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Java 2 Platform SE v1.3.1: Class BasicAttribute - JDK 5 Documentation v1.3.1, Java 2 SDK 英文文档

JavaTM 2 Platform
Std. Ed. v1.3.1

Class BasicAttribute

All Implemented Interfaces:
Attribute, Cloneable, Serializable

public class BasicAttribute
extends Object
implements Attribute

This class provides a basic implementation of the Attribute interface.

This implementation does not support the schema methods getAttributeDefinition() and getAttributeSyntaxDefinition(). They simply throw OperationNotSupportedException. Subclasses of BasicAttribute should override these methods if they support them.

The BasicAttribute class by default uses Object.equals() to determine equality of attribute values when testing for equality or when searching for values, except when the value is an array. For an array, each element of the array is checked using Object.equals(). Subclasses of BasicAttribute can make use of schema information when doing similar equality checks by overriding methods in which such use of schema is meaningful. Similarly, the BasicAttribute class by default returns the values passed to its constructor and/or manipulated using the add/remove methods. Subclasses of BasicAttribute can override get() and getAll() to get the values dynamically from the directory (or implement the Attribute interface directly instead of subclassing BasicAttribute).

Note that updates to BasicAttribute (such as adding or removing a value) does not affect the corresponding representation of the attribute in the directory. Updates to the directory can only be effected using operations in the DirContext interface.

A BasicAttribute instance is not synchronized against concurrent multithreaded access. Multiple threads trying to access and modify a BasicAttribute should lock the object.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  String attrID
          Holds the attribute's id.
protected  boolean ordered
          A flag for recording whether this attribute's values are ordered.
protected  Vector values
          Holds the attribute's values.
Fields inherited from interface javax.naming.directory.Attribute
Constructor Summary
BasicAttribute(String id)
          Constructs a new instance of an unordered attribute with no value.
BasicAttribute(String id, boolean ordered)
          Constructs a new instance of a possibly ordered attribute with no value.
BasicAttribute(String id, Object value)
          Constructs a new instance of an unordered attribute with a single value.
BasicAttribute(String id, Object value, boolean ordered)
          Constructs a new instance of a possibly ordered attribute with a single value.
Method Summary
 void add(int ix, Object attrVal)
          Adds an attribute value to the ordered list of attribute values.
 boolean add(Object attrVal)
          Adds a new value to this attribute.
 void clear()
          Removes all values from this attribute.
 Object clone()
          Makes a copy of the attribute.
 boolean contains(Object attrVal)
          Determines whether a value is in this attribute.
 boolean equals(Object obj)
          Determines whether obj is equal to this attribute.
 Object get()
          Retrieves one of this attribute's values.
 Object get(int ix)
          Retrieves the attribute value from the ordered list of attribute values.
 NamingEnumeration getAll()
          Retrieves an enumeration of this attribute's values.
 DirContext getAttributeDefinition()
          Retrieves this attribute's schema definition.
 DirContext getAttributeSyntaxDefinition()
          Retrieves the syntax definition associated with this attribute.
 String getID()
          Retrieves the id of this attribute.
 int hashCode()
          Calculates the hash code of this attribute.
 boolean isOrdered()
          Determines whether this attribute's values are ordered.
 Object remove(int ix)
          Removes an attribute value from the ordered list of attribute values.
 boolean remove(Object attrval)
          Removes a specified value from this attribute.
 Object set(int ix, Object attrVal)
          Sets an attribute value in the ordered list of attribute values.
 int size()
          Retrieves the number of values in this attribute.
 String toString()
          Generates the string representation of this attribute.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected String attrID
Holds the attribute's id. It is initialized by the public constructor and cannot be null unless methods in BasicAttribute that use attrID have been overridden.


protected transient Vector values
Holds the attribute's values. Initialized by public constructors. Cannot be null unless methods in BasicAttribute that use values have been overridden.


protected boolean ordered
A flag for recording whether this attribute's values are ordered.
Constructor Detail


public BasicAttribute(String id)
Constructs a new instance of an unordered attribute with no value.
id - The attribute's id. It cannot be null.


public BasicAttribute(String id,
                      Object value)
Constructs a new instance of an unordered attribute with a single value.
id - The attribute's id. It cannot be null.
value - The attribute's value. If null, a null value is added to the attribute.


public BasicAttribute(String id,
                      boolean ordered)
Constructs a new instance of a possibly ordered attribute with no value.
id - The attribute's id. It cannot be null.
ordered - true means the attribute's values will be ordered; false otherwise.


public BasicAttribute(String id,
                      Object value,
                      boolean ordered)
Constructs a new instance of a possibly ordered attribute with a single value.
id - The attribute's id. It cannot be null.
value - The attribute's value. If null, a null value is added to the attribute.
ordered - true means the attribute's values will be ordered; false otherwise.
Method Detail


public Object clone()
Description copied from interface: Attribute
Makes a copy of the attribute. The copy contains the same attribute values as the original attribute: the attribute values are not themselves cloned. Changes to the copy will not affect the original and vice versa.
Specified by:
clone in interface Attribute
clone in class Object
Following copied from interface: javax.naming.directory.Attribute
A non-null copy of the attribute.


public boolean equals(Object obj)
Determines whether obj is equal to this attribute. Two attributes are equal if their attribute-ids, syntaxes and values are equal. If the attribute values are unordered, the order that the values were added are irrelevant. If the attribute values are ordered, then the order the values must match. If obj is null or not an Attribute, false is returned.

By default Object.equals() is used when comparing the attribute id and its values except when a value is an array. For an array, each element of the array is checked using Object.equals(). A subclass may override this to make use of schema syntax information and matching rules, which define what it means for two attributes to be equal. How and whether a subclass makes use of the schema information is determined by the subclass. If a subclass overrides equals(), it should also override hashCode() such that two attributes that are equal have the same hash code.

equals in class Object
obj - The possibly null object to check.
true if obj is equal to this attribute; false otherwise.
See Also:
hashCode(), contains(java.lang.Object)


public int hashCode()
Calculates the hash code of this attribute.

The hash code is computed by adding the hash code of the attribute's id and that of all of its values except for values that are arrays. For an array, the hash code of each element of the array is summed. If a subclass overrides hashCode(), it should override equals() as well so that two attributes that are equal have the same hash code.

hashCode in class Object
an int representing the hash code of this attribute.
See Also:


public String toString()
Generates the string representation of this attribute. The string consists of the attribute's id and its values. This string is meant for debugging and not meant to be interpreted programmatically.
toString in class Object
The non-null string representation of this attribute.


public NamingEnumeration getAll()
                         throws NamingException
Retrieves an enumeration of this attribute's values.

By default, the values returned are those passed to the constructor and/or manipulated using the add/replace/remove methods. A subclass may override this to retrieve the values dynamically from the directory.

Specified by:
getAll in interface Attribute
Following copied from interface: javax.naming.directory.Attribute
A non-null enumeration of the attribute's values. Each element of the enumeration is a possibly null Object. The object's class is the class of the attribute value. The element is null if the attribute's value is null. If the attribute has zero values, an empty enumeration is returned.
NamingException - If a naming exception was encountered while retrieving the values.
See Also:


public Object get()
           throws NamingException
Retrieves one of this attribute's values.

By default, the value returned is one of those passed to the constructor and/or manipulated using the add/replace/remove methods. A subclass may override this to retrieve the value dynamically from the directory.

Specified by:
get in interface Attribute
Following copied from interface: javax.naming.directory.Attribute
A possibly null object representing one of the attribute's value. It is null if the attribute's value is null.
NamingException - If a naming exception was encountered while retrieving the value.
NoSuchElementException - If this attribute has no values.


public int size()
Description copied from interface: Attribute
Retrieves the number of values in this attribute.
Specified by:
size in interface Attribute
Following copied from interface: javax.naming.directory.Attribute
The nonnegative number of values in this attribute.


public String getID()
Description copied from interface: Attribute
Retrieves the id of this attribute.
Specified by:
getID in interface Attribute
Following copied from interface: javax.naming.directory.Attribute
The id of this attribute. It cannot be null.


public boolean contains(Object attrVal)
Determines whether a value is in this attribute.

By default, Object.equals() is used when comparing attrVal with this attribute's values except when attrVal is an array. For an array, each element of the array is checked using Object.equals(). A subclass may use schema information to determine equality.

Specified by:
contains in interface Attribute
Following copied from interface: javax.naming.directory.Attribute
attrVal - The possibly null value to check. If null, check whether the attribute has an attribute value whose value is null.
true if attrVal is one of this attribute's values; false otherwise.
See Also:
Object.equals(java.lang.Object), equals(java.lang.Object)


public boolean add(Object attrVal)
Adds a new value to this attribute.

By default, Object.equals() is used when comparing attrVal with this attribute's values except when attrVal is an array. For an array, each element of the array is checked using Object.equals(). A subclass may use schema information to determine equality.

Specified by:
add in interface Attribute
Following copied from interface: javax.naming.directory.Attribute
attrVal - The new possibly null value to add. If null, null is added as an attribute value.
true if a value was added; false otherwise.


public boolean remove(Object attrval)
Removes a specified value from this attribute.

By default, Object.equals() is used when comparing attrVal with this attribute's values except when attrVal is an array. For an array, each element of the array is checked using Object.equals(). A subclass may use schema information to determine equality.

Specified by:
remove in interface Attribute
Following copied from interface: javax.naming.directory.Attribute
attrval - The possibly null value to remove from this attribute. If null, remove the attribute value that is null.
true if the value was removed; false otherwise.


public void clear()
Description copied from interface: Attribute
Removes all values from this attribute.
Specified by:
clear in interface Attribute


public boolean isOrdered()
Description copied from interface: Attribute
Determines whether this attribute's values are ordered. If an attribute's values are ordered, duplicate values are allowed. If an attribute's values are unordered, they are presented in any order and there are no duplicate values.
Specified by:
isOrdered in interface Attribute
Following copied from interface: javax.naming.directory.Attribute
true if this attribute's values are ordered; false otherwise.
See Also:
Attribute.get(int), Attribute.remove(int), Attribute.add(int, java.lang.Object), Attribute.set(int, java.lang.Object)


public Object get(int ix)
           throws NamingException
Description copied from interface: Attribute
Retrieves the attribute value from the ordered list of attribute values. This method returns the value at the ix index of the list of attribute values. If the attribute values are unordered, this method returns the value that happens to be at that index.
Specified by:
get in interface Attribute
Following copied from interface: javax.naming.directory.Attribute
ix - The index of the value in the ordered list of attribute values. 0 <= ix < size().
The possibly null attribute value at index ix; null if the attribute value is null.
NamingException - If a naming exception was encountered while retrieving the value.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - If ix is outside the specified range.


public Object remove(int ix)
Description copied from interface: Attribute
Removes an attribute value from the ordered list of attribute values. This method removes the value at the ix index of the list of attribute values. If the attribute values are unordered, this method removes the value that happens to be at that index. Values located at indices greater than ix are shifted up towards the front of the list (and their indices decremented by one).
Specified by:
remove in interface Attribute
Following copied from interface: javax.naming.directory.Attribute
ix - The index of the value to remove. 0 <= ix < size().
The possibly null attribute value at index ix that was removed; null if the attribute value is null.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - If ix is outside the specified range.


public void add(int ix,
                Object attrVal)
Description copied from interface: Attribute
Adds an attribute value to the ordered list of attribute values. This method adds attrVal to the list of attribute values at index ix. Values located at indices at or greater than ix are shifted down towards the end of the list (and their indices incremented by one). If the attribute values are unordered and already have attrVal, IllegalStateException is thrown.
Specified by:
add in interface Attribute
Following copied from interface: javax.naming.directory.Attribute
ix - The index in the ordered list of attribute values to add the new value. 0 <= ix <= size().
attrVal - The possibly null attribute value to add; if null, null is the value added.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - If ix is outside the specified range.
IllegalStateException - If the attribute values are unordered and attrVal is one of those values.


public Object set(int ix,
                  Object attrVal)
Description copied from interface: Attribute
Sets an attribute value in the ordered list of attribute values. This method sets the value at the ix index of the list of attribute values to be attrVal. The old value is removed. If the attribute values are unordered, this method sets the value that happens to be at that index to attrVal, unless attrVal is already one of the values. In that case, IllegalStateException is thrown.
Specified by:
set in interface Attribute
Following copied from interface: javax.naming.directory.Attribute
ix - The index of the value in the ordered list of attribute values. 0 <= ix < size().
attrVal - The possibly null attribute value to use. If null, 'null' replaces the old value.
The possibly null attribute value at index ix that was replaced. Null if the attribute value was null.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - If ix is outside the specified range.
IllegalStateException - If attrVal already exists and the attribute values are unordered.


public DirContext getAttributeSyntaxDefinition()
                                        throws NamingException
Retrieves the syntax definition associated with this attribute.

This method by default throws OperationNotSupportedException. A subclass should override this method if it supports schema.

Specified by:
getAttributeSyntaxDefinition in interface Attribute
Following copied from interface: javax.naming.directory.Attribute
The attribute's syntax definition. Null if the implementation supports schemas but this particular attribute does not have any schema information.
OperationNotSupportedException - If getting the schema is not supported.
NamingException - If a naming exception occurs while getting the schema.


public DirContext getAttributeDefinition()
                                  throws NamingException
Retrieves this attribute's schema definition.

This method by default throws OperationNotSupportedException. A subclass should override this method if it supports schema.

Specified by:
getAttributeDefinition in interface Attribute
Following copied from interface: javax.naming.directory.Attribute
This attribute's schema definition. Null if the implementation supports schemas but this particular attribute does not have any schema information.
OperationNotSupportedException - If getting the schema is not supported.
NamingException - If a naming exception occurs while getting the schema.

JavaTM 2 Platform
Std. Ed. v1.3.1

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