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Java 2 Platform SE v1.3.1: Uses of Class java.net.URL - JDK 5 Documentation v1.3.1, Java 2 SDK 英文文档

JavaTM 2 Platform
Std. Ed. v1.3.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use URL
java.applet Provides the classes necessary to create an applet and the classes an applet uses to communicate with its applet context. 
java.awt Contains all of the classes for creating user interfaces and for painting graphics and images. 
java.beans.beancontext Provides classes and interfaces relating to bean context. 
java.io Provides for system input and output through data streams, serialization and the file system. 
java.lang Provides classes that are fundamental to the design of the Java programming language. 
java.net Provides the classes for implementing networking applications. 
java.rmi.server Provides classes and interfaces for supporting the server side of RMI. 
java.security Provides the classes and interfaces for the security framework. 
javax.sound.midi Provides interfaces and classes for I/O, sequencing, and synthesis of MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) data. 
javax.sound.midi.spi Supplies interfaces for service providers to implement when offering new MIDI devices, MIDI file readers and writers, or sound bank readers. 
javax.sound.sampled Provides interfaces and classes for capture, processing, and playback of sampled audio data. 
javax.sound.sampled.spi Supplies abstract classes for service providers to subclass when offering new audio devices, sound file readers and writers, or audio format converters. 
javax.swing Provides a set of "lightweight" (all-Java language) components that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms. 
javax.swing.event Provides for events fired by Swing components. 
javax.swing.text.html Provides the class HTMLEditorKit and supporting classes for creating HTML text editors. 

Uses of URL in java.applet

Methods in java.applet that return URL
 URL Applet.getDocumentBase()
          Returns an absolute URL naming the directory of the document in which the applet is embedded.
 URL Applet.getCodeBase()
          Gets the base URL.
 URL AppletStub.getDocumentBase()
          Returns an absolute URL naming the directory of the document in which the applet is embedded.
 URL AppletStub.getCodeBase()
          Gets the base URL.

Methods in java.applet with parameters of type URL
 AudioClip AppletContext.getAudioClip(URL url)
          Creates an audio clip.
 Image AppletContext.getImage(URL url)
          Returns an Image object that can then be painted on the screen.
 void AppletContext.showDocument(URL url)
          Replaces the Web page currently being viewed with the given URL.
 void AppletContext.showDocument(URL url, String target)
          Requests that the browser or applet viewer show the Web page indicated by the url argument.
 Image Applet.getImage(URL url)
          Returns an Image object that can then be painted on the screen.
 Image Applet.getImage(URL url, String name)
          Returns an Image object that can then be painted on the screen.
static AudioClip Applet.newAudioClip(URL url)
          Get an audio clip from the given URL.
 AudioClip Applet.getAudioClip(URL url)
          Returns the AudioClip object specified by the URL argument.
 AudioClip Applet.getAudioClip(URL url, String name)
          Returns the AudioClip object specified by the URL and name arguments.
 void Applet.play(URL url)
          Plays the audio clip at the specified absolute URL.
 void Applet.play(URL url, String name)
          Plays the audio clip given the URL and a specifier that is relative to it.

Uses of URL in java.awt

Methods in java.awt with parameters of type URL
abstract  Image Toolkit.getImage(URL url)
          Returns an image which gets pixel data from the specified URL.
abstract  Image Toolkit.createImage(URL url)
          Returns an image which gets pixel data from the specified URL.

Uses of URL in java.beans.beancontext

Methods in java.beans.beancontext that return URL
 URL BeanContextSupport.getResource(String name, BeanContextChild bcc)
 URL BeanContext.getResource(String name, BeanContextChild bcc)
          Analagous to java.lang.ClassLoader.getResource(), this method allows a BeanContext implementation to interpose behavior between the child Component and underlying ClassLoader.

Uses of URL in java.io

Methods in java.io that return URL
 URL File.toURL()
          Converts this abstract pathname into a file: URL.

Uses of URL in java.lang

Methods in java.lang that return URL
 URL ClassLoader.getResource(String name)
          Finds the resource with the given name.
protected  URL ClassLoader.findResource(String name)
          Finds the resource with the given name.
static URL ClassLoader.getSystemResource(String name)
          Find a resource of the specified name from the search path used to load classes.
 URL Class.getResource(String name)
          Finds a resource with a given name.

Methods in java.lang with parameters of type URL
 boolean Package.isSealed(URL url)
          Returns true if this package is sealed with respect to the specified code source url.
protected  Package ClassLoader.definePackage(String name, String specTitle, String specVersion, String specVendor, String implTitle, String implVersion, String implVendor, URL sealBase)
          Defines a package by name in this ClassLoader.

Uses of URL in java.net

Fields in java.net declared as URL
protected  URL URLConnection.url
          The URL represents the remote object on the World Wide Web to which this connection is opened.

Methods in java.net that return URL
 URL[] URLClassLoader.getURLs()
          Returns the search path of URLs for loading classes and resources.
 URL URLClassLoader.findResource(String name)
          Finds the resource with the specified name on the URL search path.
 URL URLConnection.getURL()
          Returns the value of this URLConnection's URL field.
 URL JarURLConnection.getJarFileURL()
          Returns the URL for the Jar file for this connection.

Methods in java.net with parameters of type URL
protected  void URLClassLoader.addURL(URL url)
          Appends the specified URL to the list of URLs to search for classes and resources.
protected  Package URLClassLoader.definePackage(String name, Manifest man, URL url)
          Defines a new package by name in this ClassLoader.
static URLClassLoader URLClassLoader.newInstance(URL[] urls, ClassLoader parent)
          Creates a new instance of URLClassLoader for the specified URLs and parent class loader.
static URLClassLoader URLClassLoader.newInstance(URL[] urls)
          Creates a new instance of URLClassLoader for the specified URLs and default parent class loader.
 boolean URL.sameFile(URL other)
          Compares two URLs, excluding the "ref" fields.
protected abstract  URLConnection URLStreamHandler.openConnection(URL u)
          Opens a connection to the object referenced by the URL argument.
protected  void URLStreamHandler.parseURL(URL u, String spec, int start, int limit)
          Parses the string representation of a URL into a URL object.
protected  boolean URLStreamHandler.equals(URL u1, URL u2)
          Provides the default equals calculation.
protected  int URLStreamHandler.hashCode(URL u)
          Provides the default hash calculation.
protected  boolean URLStreamHandler.sameFile(URL u1, URL u2)
          Compare two urls to see whether they refer to the same file, i.e., having the same protocol, host, port, and path.
protected  InetAddress URLStreamHandler.getHostAddress(URL u)
          Get the IP address of our host.
protected  boolean URLStreamHandler.hostsEqual(URL u1, URL u2)
          Compares the host components of two URLs.
protected  String URLStreamHandler.toExternalForm(URL u)
          Converts a URL of a specific protocol to a String.
protected  void URLStreamHandler.setURL(URL u, String protocol, String host, int port, String authority, String userInfo, String path, String query, String ref)
          Sets the fields of the URL argument to the indicated values.
protected  void URLStreamHandler.setURL(URL u, String protocol, String host, int port, String file, String ref)
          Deprecated. Use setURL(URL, String, String, int, String, String, String, String);

Constructors in java.net with parameters of type URL
URLClassLoader(URL[] urls, ClassLoader parent)
          Constructs a new URLClassLoader for the given URLs.
URLClassLoader(URL[] urls)
          Constructs a new URLClassLoader for the specified URLs using the default delegation parent ClassLoader.
URLClassLoader(URL[] urls, ClassLoader parent, URLStreamHandlerFactory factory)
          Constructs a new URLClassLoader for the specified URLs, parent class loader, and URLStreamHandlerFactory.
URLConnection(URL url)
          Constructs a URL connection to the specified URL.
JarURLConnection(URL url)
          Creates the new JarURLConnection to the specified URL.
URL(URL context, String spec)
          Creates a URL by parsing the given spec within a specified context.
URL(URL context, String spec, URLStreamHandler handler)
          Creates a URL by parsing the given spec with the specified handler within a specified context.
HttpURLConnection(URL u)
          Constructor for the URLStreamHandler.

Uses of URL in java.rmi.server

Methods in java.rmi.server with parameters of type URL
static Class RMIClassLoader.loadClass(URL codebase, String name)
          Loads a class from a codebase URL.
 Class LoaderHandler.loadClass(URL codebase, String name)
          Deprecated. no replacement

Uses of URL in java.security

Methods in java.security that return URL
 URL CodeSource.getLocation()
          Returns the location associated with this CodeSource.

Constructors in java.security with parameters of type URL
CodeSource(URL url, Certificate[] certs)
          Constructs a CodeSource and associates it with the specified location and set of certificates.

Uses of URL in javax.sound.midi

Methods in javax.sound.midi with parameters of type URL
static Soundbank MidiSystem.getSoundbank(URL url)
          Constructs a Soundbank by reading it from the specified URL.
static MidiFileFormat MidiSystem.getMidiFileFormat(URL url)
          Obtains the MIDI file format of the data in the specified URL.
static Sequence MidiSystem.getSequence(URL url)
          Obtains a MIDI sequence from the specified URL.

Uses of URL in javax.sound.midi.spi

Methods in javax.sound.midi.spi with parameters of type URL
abstract  Soundbank SoundbankReader.getSoundbank(URL url)
          Obtains a soundbank object from the URL provided.
abstract  MidiFileFormat MidiFileReader.getMidiFileFormat(URL url)
          Obtains the MIDI file format of the URL provided.
abstract  Sequence MidiFileReader.getSequence(URL url)
          Obtains a MIDI sequence from the URL provided.

Uses of URL in javax.sound.sampled

Methods in javax.sound.sampled with parameters of type URL
static AudioFileFormat AudioSystem.getAudioFileFormat(URL url)
          Obtains the audio file format of the specified URL.
static AudioInputStream AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(URL url)
          Obtains an audio input stream from the URL provided.

Uses of URL in javax.sound.sampled.spi

Methods in javax.sound.sampled.spi with parameters of type URL
abstract  AudioFileFormat AudioFileReader.getAudioFileFormat(URL url)
          Obtains the audio file format of the URL provided.
abstract  AudioInputStream AudioFileReader.getAudioInputStream(URL url)
          Obtains an audio input stream from the URL provided.

Uses of URL in javax.swing

Methods in javax.swing that return URL
 URL JEditorPane.getPage()
          Gets the current URL being displayed.

Methods in javax.swing with parameters of type URL
 void JEditorPane.setPage(URL page)
          Sets the current URL being displayed.
protected  InputStream JEditorPane.getStream(URL page)
          Fetches a stream for the given URL, which is about to be loaded by the setPage method.

Constructors in javax.swing with parameters of type URL
JEditorPane(URL initialPage)
          Creates a JEditorPane based on a specified URL for input.
ImageIcon(URL location, String description)
          Creates an ImageIcon from the specified URL.
ImageIcon(URL location)
          Creates an ImageIcon from the specified URL.

Uses of URL in javax.swing.event

Methods in javax.swing.event that return URL
 URL HyperlinkEvent.getURL()
          Gets the URL that the link refers to.

Constructors in javax.swing.event with parameters of type URL
HyperlinkEvent(Object source, HyperlinkEvent.EventType type, URL u)
          Creates a new object representing a hypertext link event.
HyperlinkEvent(Object source, HyperlinkEvent.EventType type, URL u, String desc)
          Creates a new object representing a hypertext link event.

Uses of URL in javax.swing.text.html

Methods in javax.swing.text.html that return URL
 URL StyleSheet.getBase()
          Returns the base.
 URL HTMLDocument.getBase()
          Gets the location to resolve relative URLs against.

Methods in javax.swing.text.html with parameters of type URL
 void StyleSheet.loadRules(Reader in, URL ref)
          Loads a set of rules that have been specified in terms of CSS1 grammar.
 void StyleSheet.importStyleSheet(URL url)
          Imports a style sheet from url.
 void StyleSheet.setBase(URL base)
          Sets the base.
 void HTMLDocument.setBase(URL u)
          Sets the location to resolve relative URLs against.

Constructors in javax.swing.text.html with parameters of type URL
HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent(Object source, HyperlinkEvent.EventType type, URL targetURL, String targetFrame)
          Creates a new object representing a html frame hypertext link event.
HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent(Object source, HyperlinkEvent.EventType type, URL targetURL, String desc, String targetFrame)
          Creates a new object representing a hypertext link event.
HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent(Object source, HyperlinkEvent.EventType type, URL targetURL, Element sourceElement, String targetFrame)
          Creates a new object representing a hypertext link event.
HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent(Object source, HyperlinkEvent.EventType type, URL targetURL, String desc, Element sourceElement, String targetFrame)
          Creates a new object representing a hypertext link event.

JavaTM 2 Platform
Std. Ed. v1.3.1

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For further API reference and developer documentation, see Java 2 SDK SE Developer Documentation. That documentation contains more detailed, developer-targeted descriptions, with conceptual overviews, definitions of terms, workarounds, and working code examples.

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