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Java 2 Platform SE v1.3.1: Class TextHitInfo - JDK 5 Documentation v1.3.1, Java 2 SDK 英文文档

JavaTM 2 Platform
Std. Ed. v1.3.1

Class TextHitInfo


public final class TextHitInfo
extends Object

The TextHitInfo class represents a character position in a text model, and a bias, or "side," of the character. Biases are either leading (the left edge, for a left-to-right character) or trailing (the right edge, for a left-to-right character). Instances of TextHitInfo are used to specify caret and insertion positions within text.

For example, consider the text "abc". TextHitInfo.trailing(1) corresponds to the right side of the 'b' in the text.

TextHitInfo is used primarily by TextLayout and clients of TextLayout. Clients of TextLayout query TextHitInfo instances for an insertion offset, where new text is inserted into the text model. The insertion offset is equal to the character position in the TextHitInfo if the bias is leading, and one character after if the bias is trailing. The insertion offset for TextHitInfo.trailing(1) is 2.

Sometimes it is convenient to construct a TextHitInfo with the same insertion offset as an existing one, but on the opposite character. The getOtherHit method constructs a new TextHitInfo with the same insertion offset as an existing one, with a hit on the character on the other side of the insertion offset. Calling getOtherHit on trailing(1) would return leading(2). In general, getOtherHit for trailing(n) returns leading(n+1) and getOtherHit for leading(n) returns trailing(n-1).


Converting a graphical point to an insertion point within a text model

 TextLayout layout = ...;
 Point2D.Float hitPoint = ...;
 TextHitInfo hitInfo = layout.hitTestChar(hitPoint.x, hitPoint.y);
 int insPoint = hitInfo.getInsertionIndex();
 // insPoint is relative to layout;  may need to adjust for use 
 // in a text model

See Also:

Method Summary
static TextHitInfo afterOffset(int offset)
          Creates a TextHitInfo at the specified offset, associated with the character after the offset.
static TextHitInfo beforeOffset(int offset)
          Creates a TextHitInfo at the specified offset, associated with the character before the offset.
 boolean equals(Object obj)
          Returns true if the specified Object is a TextHitInfo and equals this TextHitInfo.
 boolean equals(TextHitInfo hitInfo)
          Returns true if the specified TextHitInfo has the same charIndex and isLeadingEdge as this TextHitInfo.
 int getCharIndex()
          Returns the index of the character hit.
 int getInsertionIndex()
          Returns the insertion index.
 TextHitInfo getOffsetHit(int delta)
          Creates a TextHitInfo whose character index is offset by delta from the charIndex of this TextHitInfo.
 TextHitInfo getOtherHit()
          Creates a TextHitInfo on the other side of the insertion point.
 int hashCode()
          Returns the hash code.
 boolean isLeadingEdge()
          Returns true if the leading edge of the character was hit.
static TextHitInfo leading(int charIndex)
          Creates a TextHitInfo on the leading edge of the character at the specified charIndex.
 String toString()
          Returns a String representing the hit for debugging use only.
static TextHitInfo trailing(int charIndex)
          Creates a hit on the trailing edge of the character at the specified charIndex.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public int getCharIndex()
Returns the index of the character hit.
the index of the character hit.


public boolean isLeadingEdge()
Returns true if the leading edge of the character was hit.
true if the leading edge of the character was hit; false otherwise.


public int getInsertionIndex()
Returns the insertion index. This is the character index if the leading edge of the character was hit, and one greater than the character index if the trailing edge was hit.
the insertion index.


public int hashCode()
Returns the hash code.
hashCode in class Object
the hash code of this TextHitInfo, which is also the charIndex of this TextHitInfo.


public boolean equals(Object obj)
Returns true if the specified Object is a TextHitInfo and equals this TextHitInfo.
equals in class Object
obj - the Object to test for equality
true if the specified Object equals this TextHitInfo; false otherwise.


public boolean equals(TextHitInfo hitInfo)
Returns true if the specified TextHitInfo has the same charIndex and isLeadingEdge as this TextHitInfo. This is not the same as having the same insertion offset.
hitInfo - a specified TextHitInfo
true if the specified TextHitInfo has the same charIndex and isLeadingEdge as this TextHitInfo.


public String toString()
Returns a String representing the hit for debugging use only.
toString in class Object
a String representing this TextHitInfo.


public static TextHitInfo leading(int charIndex)
Creates a TextHitInfo on the leading edge of the character at the specified charIndex.
charIndex - the index of the character hit
a TextHitInfo on the leading edge of the character at the specified charIndex.


public static TextHitInfo trailing(int charIndex)
Creates a hit on the trailing edge of the character at the specified charIndex.
charIndex - the index of the character hit
a TextHitInfo on the trailing edge of the character at the specified charIndex.


public static TextHitInfo beforeOffset(int offset)
Creates a TextHitInfo at the specified offset, associated with the character before the offset.
offset - an offset associated with the character before the offset
a TextHitInfo at the specified offset.


public static TextHitInfo afterOffset(int offset)
Creates a TextHitInfo at the specified offset, associated with the character after the offset.
offset - an offset associated with the character after the offset
a TextHitInfo at the specified offset.


public TextHitInfo getOtherHit()
Creates a TextHitInfo on the other side of the insertion point. This TextHitInfo remains unchanged.
a TextHitInfo on the other side of the insertion point.


public TextHitInfo getOffsetHit(int delta)
Creates a TextHitInfo whose character index is offset by delta from the charIndex of this TextHitInfo. This TextHitInfo remains unchanged.
delta - the value to offset this charIndex
a TextHitInfo whose charIndex is offset by delta from the charIndex of this TextHitInfo.

JavaTM 2 Platform
Std. Ed. v1.3.1

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For further API reference and developer documentation, see Java 2 SDK SE Developer Documentation. That documentation contains more detailed, developer-targeted descriptions, with conceptual overviews, definitions of terms, workarounds, and working code examples.

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