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Java(TM) 2 Platform, Standard Edition, v1.2.2 API Specification: Class SecureRandom - JDK 5 Documentation v1.2.2, Java 2 SDK 英文文档

JavaTM 2 Platform
Standard Edition

Class SecureRandom


public class SecureRandom
extends Random

This class provides a cryptographically strong pseudo-random number generator (PRNG).

Like other algorithm-based classes in Java Security, SecureRandom provides implementation-independent algorithms, whereby a caller (application code) requests a particular PRNG algorithm and is handed back a SecureRandom object for that algorithm. It is also possible, if desired, to request a particular algorithm from a particular provider. See the getInstance methods.

Thus, there are two ways to request a SecureRandom object: by specifying either just an algorithm name, or both an algorithm name and a package provider.

The SecureRandom implementation attempts to completely randomize the internal state of the generator itself unless the caller follows the call to a getInstance method with a call to the setSeed method:

      SecureRandom random = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG");

After the caller obtains the SecureRandom object from the getInstance call, it can call nextBytes to generate random bytes:

      byte bytes[] = new byte[20];

The caller may also invoke the generateSeed method to generate a given number of seed bytes (to seed other random number generators, for example):

      byte seed[] = random.generateSeed(20);

See Also:
SecureRandomSpi, Random, Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          By using this constructor, the caller obtains a SecureRandom object containing the implementation from the highest-priority installed provider that has a SecureRandom implementation.
  SecureRandom(byte[] seed)
          By using this constructor, the caller obtains a SecureRandom object containing the implementation from the highest-priority installed provider that has a SecureRandom implementation.
protected SecureRandom(SecureRandomSpi secureRandomSpi, Provider provider)
          Creates a SecureRandom object.
Method Summary
 byte[] generateSeed(int numBytes)
          Returns the given number of seed bytes, computed using the seed generation algorithm that this class uses to seed itself.
static SecureRandom getInstance(String algorithm)
          Generates a SecureRandom object that implements the specified Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG) algorithm.
static SecureRandom getInstance(String algorithm, String provider)
          Generates a SecureRandom object for the specified PRNG algorithm, as supplied from the specified provider, if such a PRNG implementation is available from the provider.
 Provider getProvider()
          Returns the provider of this SecureRandom object.
static byte[] getSeed(int numBytes)
          Returns the given number of seed bytes, computed using the seed generation algorithm that this class uses to seed itself.
protected  int next(int numBits)
          Generates an integer containing the user-specified number of pseudo-random bits (right justified, with leading zeros).
 void nextBytes(byte[] bytes)
          Generates a user-specified number of random bytes.
 void setSeed(byte[] seed)
          Reseeds this random object.
 void setSeed(long seed)
          Reseeds this random object, using the eight bytes contained in the given long seed.
Methods inherited from class java.util.Random
nextBoolean, nextDouble, nextFloat, nextGaussian, nextInt, nextInt, nextLong
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SecureRandom()

By using this constructor, the caller obtains a SecureRandom object containing the implementation from the highest-priority installed provider that has a SecureRandom implementation.

Note that this instance of SecureRandom has not been seeded. A call to the setSeed method will seed the SecureRandom object. If a call is not made to setSeed, the first call to the nextBytes method will force the SecureRandom object to seed itself.

This constructor is provided for backwards compatibility. The caller is encouraged to use one of the alternative getInstance methods to obtain a SecureRandom object.


public SecureRandom(byte[] seed)

By using this constructor, the caller obtains a SecureRandom object containing the implementation from the highest-priority installed provider that has a SecureRandom implementation. This constructor uses a user-provided seed in preference to the self-seeding algorithm referred to in the empty constructor description. It may be preferable to the empty constructor if the caller has access to high-quality random bytes from some physical device (for example, a radiation detector or a noisy diode).

This constructor is provided for backwards compatibility. The caller is encouraged to use one of the alternative getInstance methods to obtain a SecureRandom object, and then to call the setSeed method to seed it.

seed - the seed.


protected SecureRandom(SecureRandomSpi secureRandomSpi,
                       Provider provider)
Creates a SecureRandom object.
secureRandomSpi - the SecureRandom implementation.
provider - the provider.
Method Detail


public static SecureRandom getInstance(String algorithm)
                                throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
Generates a SecureRandom object that implements the specified Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG) algorithm. If the default provider package provides an implementation of the requested PRNG, an instance of SecureRandom containing that implementation is returned. If the PRNG is not available in the default package, other packages are searched.

Note that the returned instance of SecureRandom has not been seeded. A call to the setSeed method will seed the SecureRandom object. If a call is not made to setSeed, the first call to the nextBytes method will force the SecureRandom object to seed itself.

algorithm - the name of the PRNG algorithm. See Appendix A in the Java Cryptography Architecture API Specification & Reference for information about standard PRNG algorithm names.
the new SecureRandom object.
NoSuchAlgorithmException - if the PRNG algorithm is not available in the caller's environment.


public static SecureRandom getInstance(String algorithm,
                                       String provider)
                                throws NoSuchAlgorithmException,
Generates a SecureRandom object for the specified PRNG algorithm, as supplied from the specified provider, if such a PRNG implementation is available from the provider.

Note that the returned instance of SecureRandom has not been seeded. A call to the setSeed method will seed the SecureRandom object. If a call is not made to setSeed, the first call to the nextBytes method will force the SecureRandom object to seed itself.

algorithm - the name of the PRNG algorithm. See Appendix A in the Java Cryptography Architecture API Specification & Reference for information about standard PRNG algorithm names.
provider - the name of the provider.
the new SecureRandom object.
NoSuchAlgorithmException - if the requested PRNG implementation is not available from the provider.
NoSuchProviderException - if the provider has not been configured.
See Also:


public final Provider getProvider()
Returns the provider of this SecureRandom object.
the provider of this SecureRandom object.


public void setSeed(byte[] seed)
Reseeds this random object. The given seed supplements, rather than replaces, the existing seed. Thus, repeated calls are guaranteed never to reduce randomness.
seed - the seed.


public void setSeed(long seed)
Reseeds this random object, using the eight bytes contained in the given long seed. The given seed supplements, rather than replaces, the existing seed. Thus, repeated calls are guaranteed never to reduce randomness.

This method is defined for compatibility with java.util.Random.

setSeed in class Random
seed - the seed.


public void nextBytes(byte[] bytes)
Generates a user-specified number of random bytes. This method is used as the basis of all random entities returned by this class (except seed bytes).
nextBytes in class Random
bytes - the array to be filled in with random bytes.


protected final int next(int numBits)
Generates an integer containing the user-specified number of pseudo-random bits (right justified, with leading zeros). This method overrides a java.util.Random method, and serves to provide a source of random bits to all of the methods inherited from that class (for example, nextInt, nextLong, and nextFloat).
next in class Random
numBits - number of pseudo-random bits to be generated, where 0 <= numBits <= 32.


public static byte[] getSeed(int numBytes)
Returns the given number of seed bytes, computed using the seed generation algorithm that this class uses to seed itself. This call may be used to seed other random number generators.

This method is only included for backwards compatibility. The caller is encouraged to use one of the alternative getInstance methods to obtain a SecureRandom object, and then call the generateSeed method to obtain seed bytes from that object.

numBytes - the number of seed bytes to generate.
the seed bytes.


public byte[] generateSeed(int numBytes)
Returns the given number of seed bytes, computed using the seed generation algorithm that this class uses to seed itself. This call may be used to seed other random number generators.
numBytes - the number of seed bytes to generate.
the seed bytes.

JavaTM 2 Platform
Standard Edition

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