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TypeMapping (Java 2 Platform Ent. Ed. v1.4) - Java Platform, Enterprise Edition v1.4 API Specifications

JavaTM 2 Platform
Ent. Ed. v1.4

Interface TypeMapping

public interface TypeMapping

The javax.xml.rpc.encoding.TypeMapping is the base interface for the representation of a type mapping. A TypeMapping implementation class may support one or more encoding styles.

For its supported encoding styles, a TypeMapping instance maintains a set of tuples of the type {Java type, SerializerFactory, DeserializerFactory, XML type}.

Rahul Sharma

Method Summary
 DeserializerFactory getDeserializer(Class javaType, QName xmlType)
          Gets the DeserializerFactory registered for the specified pair of Java type and XML data type.
 SerializerFactory getSerializer(Class javaType, QName xmlType)
          Gets the SerializerFactory registered for the specified pair of Java type and XML data type.
 String[] getSupportedEncodings()
          Returns the encodingStyle URIs (as String[]) supported by this TypeMapping instance.
 boolean isRegistered(Class javaType, QName xmlType)
          Checks whether or not type mapping between specified XML type and Java type is registered.
 void register(Class javaType, QName xmlType, SerializerFactory sf, DeserializerFactory dsf)
          Registers SerializerFactory and DeserializerFactory for a specific type mapping between an XML type and Java type.
 void removeDeserializer(Class javaType, QName xmlType)
          Removes the DeserializerFactory registered for the specified pair of Java type and XML data type.
 void removeSerializer(Class javaType, QName xmlType)
          Removes the SerializerFactory registered for the specified pair of Java type and XML data type.
 void setSupportedEncodings(String[] encodingStyleURIs)
          Sets the encodingStyle URIs supported by this TypeMapping instance.

Method Detail


public String[] getSupportedEncodings()
Returns the encodingStyle URIs (as String[]) supported by this TypeMapping instance. A TypeMapping that contains only encoding style independent serializers and deserializers returns null from this method.

Array of encodingStyle URIs for the supported encoding styles


public void setSupportedEncodings(String[] encodingStyleURIs)
Sets the encodingStyle URIs supported by this TypeMapping instance. A TypeMapping that contains only encoding independent serializers and deserializers requires null as the parameter for this method.

encodingStyleURIs - Array of encodingStyle URIs for the supported encoding styles


public boolean isRegistered(Class javaType,
                            QName xmlType)
Checks whether or not type mapping between specified XML type and Java type is registered.

javaType - Class of the Java type
boolean; true if type mapping between the specified XML type and Java type is registered; otherwise false


public void register(Class javaType,
                     QName xmlType,
                     SerializerFactory sf,
                     DeserializerFactory dsf)
Registers SerializerFactory and DeserializerFactory for a specific type mapping between an XML type and Java type. This method replaces any existing registered SerializerFactory DeserializerFactory instances.

javaType - Class of the Java type
sf - SerializerFactory
dsf - DeserializerFactory
JAXRPCException - If any error during the registration


public SerializerFactory getSerializer(Class javaType,
                                       QName xmlType)
Gets the SerializerFactory registered for the specified pair of Java type and XML data type.

javaType - Class of the Java type
Registered SerializerFactory or null if there is no registered factory


public DeserializerFactory getDeserializer(Class javaType,
                                           QName xmlType)
Gets the DeserializerFactory registered for the specified pair of Java type and XML data type.

javaType - Class of the Java type
Registered DeserializerFactory or null if there is no registered factory


public void removeSerializer(Class javaType,
                             QName xmlType)
Removes the SerializerFactory registered for the specified pair of Java type and XML data type.

JAXRPCException - If there is error in removing the registered SerializerFactory


public void removeDeserializer(Class javaType,
                               QName xmlType)
Removes the DeserializerFactory registered for the specified pair of Java type and XML data type.

JAXRPCException - If there is error in removing the registered DeserializerFactory

JavaTM 2 Platform
Ent. Ed. v1.4

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