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Call (Java 2 Platform Ent. Ed. v1.4) - Java Platform, Enterprise Edition v1.4 API Specifications

JavaTM 2 Platform
Ent. Ed. v1.4

Interface Call

public interface Call

The javax.xml.rpc.Call interface provides support for the dynamic invocation of a service endpoint. The javax.xml.rpc.Service interface acts as a factory for the creation of Call instances.

Once a Call instance is created, various setter and getter methods may be used to configure this Call instance.

Rahul Sharma

Field Summary
          Standard property for encoding Style: Encoding style specified as a namespace URI.
          Standard property for operation style.
          Standard property: Password for authentication Type: java.lang.String
          Standard property: This boolean property is used by a service client to indicate whether or not it wants to participate in a session with a service endpoint.
          Standard property for SOAPAction.
          Standard property for SOAPAction.
          Standard property: User name for authentication Type: java.lang.String
Method Summary
 void addParameter(String paramName, QName xmlType, Class javaType, ParameterMode parameterMode)
          Adds a parameter type and mode for a specific operation.
 void addParameter(String paramName, QName xmlType, ParameterMode parameterMode)
          Adds a parameter type and mode for a specific operation.
 QName getOperationName()
          Gets the name of the operation to be invoked using this Call instance.
 Map getOutputParams()
          Returns a Map of {name, value} for the output parameters of the last invoked operation.
 List getOutputValues()
          Returns a List values for the output parameters of the last invoked operation.
 QName getParameterTypeByName(String paramName)
          Gets the XML type of a parameter by name
 QName getPortTypeName()
          Gets the qualified name of the port type.
 Object getProperty(String name)
          Gets the value of a named property.
 Iterator getPropertyNames()
          Gets the names of configurable properties supported by this Call object.
 QName getReturnType()
          Gets the return type for a specific operation
 String getTargetEndpointAddress()
          Gets the address of a target service endpoint.
 Object invoke(Object[] inputParams)
          Invokes a specific operation using a synchronous request-response interaction mode.
 Object invoke(QName operationName, Object[] inputParams)
          Invokes a specific operation using a synchronous request-response interaction mode.
 void invokeOneWay(Object[] inputParams)
          Invokes a remote method using the one-way interaction mode.
 boolean isParameterAndReturnSpecRequired(QName operationName)
          Indicates whether addParameter and setReturnType methods are to be invoked to specify the parameter and return type specification for a specific operation.
 void removeAllParameters()
          Removes all specified parameters from this Call instance.
 void removeProperty(String name)
          Removes a named property.
 void setOperationName(QName operationName)
          Sets the name of the operation to be invoked using this Call instance.
 void setPortTypeName(QName portType)
          Sets the qualified name of the port type.
 void setProperty(String name, Object value)
          Sets the value for a named property.
 void setReturnType(QName xmlType)
          Sets the return type for a specific operation.
 void setReturnType(QName xmlType, Class javaType)
          Sets the return type for a specific operation.
 void setTargetEndpointAddress(String address)
          Sets the address of the target service endpoint.

Field Detail


public static final String USERNAME_PROPERTY
Standard property: User name for authentication

Type: java.lang.String

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String PASSWORD_PROPERTY
Standard property: Password for authentication

Type: java.lang.String

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String OPERATION_STYLE_PROPERTY
Standard property for operation style. This property is set to "rpc" if the operation style is rpc; "document" if the operation style is document.

Type: java.lang.String

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String SOAPACTION_USE_PROPERTY
Standard property for SOAPAction. This boolean property indicates whether or not SOAPAction is to be used. The default value of this property is false indicating that the SOAPAction is not used.

Type: java.lang.Boolean

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String SOAPACTION_URI_PROPERTY
Standard property for SOAPAction. Indicates the SOAPAction URI if the javax.xml.rpc.soap.http.soapaction.use property is set to true.

Type: java.lang.String

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String ENCODINGSTYLE_URI_PROPERTY
Standard property for encoding Style: Encoding style specified as a namespace URI. The default value is the SOAP 1.1 encoding http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/

Type: java.lang.String

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String SESSION_MAINTAIN_PROPERTY
Standard property: This boolean property is used by a service client to indicate whether or not it wants to participate in a session with a service endpoint. If this property is set to true, the service client indicates that it wants the session to be maintained. If set to false, the session is not maintained. The default value for this property is false.

Type: java.lang.Boolean

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public boolean isParameterAndReturnSpecRequired(QName operationName)
Indicates whether addParameter and setReturnType methods are to be invoked to specify the parameter and return type specification for a specific operation.

operationName - Qualified name of the operation
Returns true if the Call implementation class requires addParameter and setReturnType to be invoked in the client code for the specified operation. This method returns false otherwise.
IllegalArgumentException - If invalid operation name is specified


public void addParameter(String paramName,
                         QName xmlType,
                         ParameterMode parameterMode)
Adds a parameter type and mode for a specific operation. Note that the client code may not call any addParameter and setReturnType methods before calling the invoke method. In this case, the Call implementation class determines the parameter types by using reflection on parameters, using the WSDL description and configured type mapping registry.

paramName - Name of the parameter
xmlType - XML type of the parameter
parameterMode - Mode of the parameter-whether ParameterMode.IN, ParameterMode.OUT, or ParameterMode.INOUT,
javax.xml.rpc.JAXRPCException: - This exception may be thrown if the method isParameterAndReturnSpecRequired returns false for this operation.
IllegalArgumentException - If any illegal parameter name or XML type is specified
See Also:


public void addParameter(String paramName,
                         QName xmlType,
                         Class javaType,
                         ParameterMode parameterMode)
Adds a parameter type and mode for a specific operation. This method is used to specify the Java type for either OUT or INOUT parameters.

paramName - Name of the parameter
xmlType - XML type of the parameter
javaType - Java class of the parameter
parameterMode - Mode of the parameter-whether ParameterMode.IN, OUT or INOUT
JAXRPCException -
  • This exception may be thrown if this method is invoked when the method isParameterAndReturnSpecRequired returns false.
  • If specified XML type and Java type mapping is not valid. For example, TypeMappingRegistry has no serializers for this mapping.
IllegalArgumentException - If any illegal parameter name or XML type is specified
UnsupportedOperationException - If this method is not supported
See Also:


public QName getParameterTypeByName(String paramName)
Gets the XML type of a parameter by name

paramName - Name of the parameter
Returns XML type for the specified parameter


public void setReturnType(QName xmlType)
Sets the return type for a specific operation. Invoking setReturnType(null) removes the return type for this Call object.

xmlType - XML data type of the return value
JAXRPCException - This exception may be thrown when the method isParameterAndReturnSpecRequired returns false.
IllegalArgumentException - If an illegal XML type is specified


public void setReturnType(QName xmlType,
                          Class javaType)
Sets the return type for a specific operation.

javaType - Java Class of the return value
JAXRPCException -
  • This exception may be thrown if this method is invoked when the method isParameterAndReturnSpecRequired returns false.
  • If XML type and Java type cannot be mapped using the standard type mapping or TypeMapping registry
UnsupportedOperationException - If this method is not supported
IllegalArgumentException - If an illegal XML type is specified


public QName getReturnType()
Gets the return type for a specific operation

Returns the XML type for the return value


public void removeAllParameters()
Removes all specified parameters from this Call instance. Note that this method removes only the parameters and not the return type. The setReturnType(null) is used to remove the return type.

JAXRPCException - This exception may be thrown If this method is called when the method isParameterAndReturnSpecRequired returns false for this Call's operation.


public QName getOperationName()
Gets the name of the operation to be invoked using this Call instance.

Qualified name of the operation


public void setOperationName(QName operationName)
Sets the name of the operation to be invoked using this Call instance.

operationName - QName of the operation to be invoked using the Call instance


public QName getPortTypeName()
Gets the qualified name of the port type.

Qualified name of the port type


public void setPortTypeName(QName portType)
Sets the qualified name of the port type.

portType - Qualified name of the port type


public void setTargetEndpointAddress(String address)
Sets the address of the target service endpoint. This address must correspond to the transport specified in the binding for this Call instance.

address - Address of the target service endpoint; specified as an URI


public String getTargetEndpointAddress()
Gets the address of a target service endpoint.

Address of the target service endpoint as an URI


public void setProperty(String name,
                        Object value)
Sets the value for a named property. JAX-RPC specification specifies a standard set of properties that may be passed to the Call.setProperty method.

name - Name of the property
value - Value of the property
JAXRPCException -
  • If an optional standard property name is specified, however this Call implementation class does not support the configuration of this property.
  • If an invalid (or unsupported) property name is specified or if a value of mismatched property type is passed.
  • If there is any error in the configuration of a valid property.


public Object getProperty(String name)
Gets the value of a named property.

name - Name of the property
Value of the named property
JAXRPCException - if an invalid or unsupported property name is passed.


public void removeProperty(String name)
Removes a named property.

name - Name of the property
boolean Returns code>true if the specified property is removed; false otherwise
JAXRPCException - if an invalid or unsupported property name is passed.


public Iterator getPropertyNames()
Gets the names of configurable properties supported by this Call object.

Iterator for the property names


public Object invoke(Object[] inputParams)
              throws RemoteException
Invokes a specific operation using a synchronous request-response interaction mode.

inputParams - Object[]--Parameters for this invocation. This includes only the input params
Returns the return value or null
RemoteException - if there is any error in the remote method invocation
SOAPFaultException - Indicates a SOAP fault
JAXRPCException -
  • If there is an error in the configuration of the Call object
  • If inputParams do not match the required parameter set (as specified through the addParameter invocations or in the corresponding WSDL)
  • If parameters and return type are incorrectly specified


public Object invoke(QName operationName,
                     Object[] inputParams)
              throws RemoteException
Invokes a specific operation using a synchronous request-response interaction mode.

operationName - QName of the operation
inputParams - Object[]--Parameters for this invocation. This includes only the input params.
Return value or null
RemoteException - if there is any error in the remote method invocation.
SOAPFaultException - Indicates a SOAP fault
JAXRPCException -
  • If there is an error in the configuration of the Call object
  • If inputParams do not match the required parameter set (as specified through the addParameter invocations or in the corresponding WSDL)
  • If parameters and return type are incorrectly specified


public void invokeOneWay(Object[] inputParams)
Invokes a remote method using the one-way interaction mode. The client thread does not normally block waiting for the completion of the server processing for this remote method invocation. When the protocol in use is SOAP/HTTP, this method should block until an HTTP response code has been received or an error occurs. This method must not throw any remote exceptions. This method may throw a JAXRPCException during the processing of the one-way remote call.

inputParams - Object[]--Parameters for this invocation. This includes only the input params.
JAXRPCException - if there is an error in the configuration of the Call object (example: a non-void return type has been incorrectly specified for the one-way call) or if there is any error during the invocation of the one-way remote call


public Map getOutputParams()
Returns a Map of {name, value} for the output parameters of the last invoked operation. The parameter names in the returned Map are of type java.lang.String.

Map Output parameters for the last Call.invoke(). Empty Map is returned if there are no output parameters.
JAXRPCException - If this method is invoked for a one-way operation or is invoked before any invoke method has been called.


public List getOutputValues()
Returns a List values for the output parameters of the last invoked operation.

java.util.List Values for the output parameters. An empty List is returned if there are no output values.
JAXRPCException - If this method is invoked for a one-way operation or is invoked before any invoke method has been called.

JavaTM 2 Platform
Ent. Ed. v1.4

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