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ServiceBinding (Java 2 Platform Ent. Ed. v1.4) - Java Platform, Enterprise Edition v1.4 API Specifications

JavaTM 2 Platform
Ent. Ed. v1.4

Interface ServiceBinding

All Superinterfaces:
ExtensibleObject, RegistryObject, URIValidator

public interface ServiceBinding
extends RegistryObject, URIValidator

ServiceBinding instances are RegistryObjects that represent technical information on a specific way to access a specific interface offered by a Service instance. A ServiceBinding may have a set of SpecificationLink instances. Maps to a BindingTemplate in UDDI.

Farrukh S. Najmi
See Also:

Method Summary
 void addSpecificationLink(SpecificationLink specificationLink)
          Adds a child SpecificationLink.
 void addSpecificationLinks(Collection specificationLinks)
          Adds a Collection of SpecificationLink children.
 String getAccessURI()
          Gets the URI that gives access to the service via this binding.
 Service getService()
          Gets the parent service for which this is a binding.
 Collection getSpecificationLinks()
          Gets all children SpecificationLinks.
 ServiceBinding getTargetBinding()
          Gets the next ServiceBinding in case there is a redirection from one service provider to another service provider.
 void removeSpecificationLink(SpecificationLink specificationLink)
          Removes a child SpecificationLink.
 void removeSpecificationLinks(Collection specificationLinks)
          Removes a Collection of children SpecificationLinks.
 void setAccessURI(String uri)
          Sets the URI that gives access to the service via this binding.
 void setTargetBinding(ServiceBinding binding)
          Sets the next ServiceBinding in case there is a redirection.
Methods inherited from interface javax.xml.registry.infomodel.RegistryObject
addAssociation, addAssociations, addClassification, addClassifications, addExternalIdentifier, addExternalIdentifiers, addExternalLink, addExternalLinks, getAssociatedObjects, getAssociations, getAuditTrail, getClassifications, getDescription, getExternalIdentifiers, getExternalLinks, getKey, getLifeCycleManager, getName, getObjectType, getRegistryPackages, getSubmittingOrganization, removeAssociation, removeAssociations, removeClassification, removeClassifications, removeExternalIdentifier, removeExternalIdentifiers, removeExternalLink, removeExternalLinks, setAssociations, setClassifications, setDescription, setExternalIdentifiers, setExternalLinks, setKey, setName, toXML
Methods inherited from interface javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ExtensibleObject
addSlot, addSlots, getSlot, getSlots, removeSlot, removeSlots
Methods inherited from interface javax.xml.registry.infomodel.URIValidator
getValidateURI, setValidateURI

Method Detail


public String getAccessURI()
                    throws JAXRException
Gets the URI that gives access to the service via this binding. Default is a NULL String.

Capability Level: 0

the URI that gives access to the service via this binding
JAXRException - If the JAXR provider encounters an internal error


public void setAccessURI(String uri)
                  throws JAXRException
Sets the URI that gives access to the service via this binding. The accessURI is mutually exclusive from targetBinding. JAXR Provider must throw an InvalidRequestException if an accessURI is set when there is already a non-null targetBinding defined.

Capability Level: 0

uri - the URI that gives access to the service via this binding
JAXRException - If the JAXR provider encounters an internal error


public ServiceBinding getTargetBinding()
                                throws JAXRException
Gets the next ServiceBinding in case there is a redirection from one service provider to another service provider.

Capability Level: 0

the next ServiceBinding in case there is a service redirection
JAXRException - If the JAXR provider encounters an internal error


public void setTargetBinding(ServiceBinding binding)
                      throws JAXRException
Sets the next ServiceBinding in case there is a redirection. The targetBinding is mutually exclusive from the accessURI. JAXR Provider must throw an InvalidRequestExcpetion if a targetBinding is set when there is already a non-null accessURI defined.

Capability Level: 0

binding - the target ServiceBinding to which this object is redirected to
JAXRException - If the JAXR provider encounters an internal error


public Service getService()
                   throws JAXRException
Gets the parent service for which this is a binding.

Capability Level: 0

the parent Service object
JAXRException - If the JAXR provider encounters an internal error


public void addSpecificationLink(SpecificationLink specificationLink)
                          throws JAXRException
Adds a child SpecificationLink.

Capability Level: 0

specificationLink - the SpecificationLink being added
JAXRException - If the JAXR provider encounters an internal error


public void addSpecificationLinks(Collection specificationLinks)
                           throws JAXRException
Adds a Collection of SpecificationLink children.

Capability Level: 0

specificationLinks - the Collection of SpecificationLinks being added
JAXRException - If the JAXR provider encounters an internal error


public void removeSpecificationLink(SpecificationLink specificationLink)
                             throws JAXRException
Removes a child SpecificationLink.

Capability Level: 0

specificationLink - the SpecificationLink being removed
JAXRException - If the JAXR provider encounters an internal error


public void removeSpecificationLinks(Collection specificationLinks)
                              throws JAXRException
Removes a Collection of children SpecificationLinks.

Capability Level: 0

specificationLinks - the Collection of SpecificationLinks being removed
JAXRException - If the JAXR provider encounters an internal error


public Collection getSpecificationLinks()
                                 throws JAXRException
Gets all children SpecificationLinks.

Capability Level: 0

Collection of SpecificationLink instances. The Collection may be empty but not null.
JAXRException - If the JAXR provider encounters an internal error
See Also:

JavaTM 2 Platform
Ent. Ed. v1.4

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Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.