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DDBean (Java 2 Platform Ent. Ed. v1.4) - Java Platform, Enterprise Edition v1.4 API Specifications

JavaTM 2 Platform
Ent. Ed. v1.4

Interface DDBean

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface DDBean

An interface for beans that represent a fragment of a standard deployment descriptor. A link is provided to the J2EE application that includes this bean.

Method Summary
 void addXpathListener(String xpath, XpathListener xpl)
          Register a listener for a specific XPath.
 String[] getAttributeNames()
          Returns the list of attribute names associated with the XML element.
 String getAttributeValue(String attrName)
          Returns the string value of the named attribute.
 DDBean[] getChildBean(String xpath)
          Return a list of DDBeans based upon the XPath.
 String getId()
          Returns a tool-specific reference for attribute ID on an element in the deployment descriptor.
 DDBeanRoot getRoot()
          Return the root element for this DDBean.
 String getText()
          Returns the XML text for by this bean.
 String[] getText(String xpath)
          Return a list of text values for a given XPath in the deployment descriptor.
 String getXpath()
          Returns the original xpath string provided by the DConfigBean.
 void removeXpathListener(String xpath, XpathListener xpl)
          Unregister a listener for a specific XPath.

Method Detail


public String getXpath()
Returns the original xpath string provided by the DConfigBean.

The XPath of this Bean.


public String getText()
Returns the XML text for by this bean.

The XML text for this Bean.


public String getId()
Returns a tool-specific reference for attribute ID on an element in the deployment descriptor. This attribute is defined for J2EE 1.2 and 1.3 components.

The XML text for this Bean or 'null' if no attribute was specifed with the tag.


public DDBeanRoot getRoot()
Return the root element for this DDBean.

The DDBeanRoot at the root of this DDBean tree.


public DDBean[] getChildBean(String xpath)
Return a list of DDBeans based upon the XPath.

xpath - An XPath string referring to a location in the same deployment descriptor as this standard bean.
a list of DDBeans or 'null' if no matching XML data is found.


public String[] getText(String xpath)
Return a list of text values for a given XPath in the deployment descriptor.

xpath - An XPath.
The list text values for this XPath or 'null' if no matching XML data is found.


public void addXpathListener(String xpath,
                             XpathListener xpl)
Register a listener for a specific XPath.

xpath - The XPath this listener is to be registered for.
xpl - The listener object.


public void removeXpathListener(String xpath,
                                XpathListener xpl)
Unregister a listener for a specific XPath.

xpath - The XPath from which this listener is to be unregistered.
xpl - The listener object.


public String[] getAttributeNames()
Returns the list of attribute names associated with the XML element.

a list of attribute names on this element. Null is returned if there are no attributes.


public String getAttributeValue(String attrName)
Returns the string value of the named attribute.

a the value of the attribute. Null is returned if there is no such attribute.

JavaTM 2 Platform
Ent. Ed. v1.4

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Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.