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org.hibernate.loader.collection (Hibernate API Documentation) - Hibernate 3.2.4 正式版 API 英文文档

Package org.hibernate.loader.collection

This package defines collection initializers


Interface Summary
CollectionInitializer An interface for collection loaders

Class Summary
BasicCollectionJoinWalker Walker for collections of values and many-to-many associations
BasicCollectionLoader Loads a collection of values or a many-to-many association.
BatchingCollectionInitializer "Batch" loads collections, using multiple foreign key values in the SQL where clause.
CollectionJoinWalker Superclass of walkers for collection initializers
CollectionLoader Superclass for loaders that initialize collections
OneToManyJoinWalker Walker for one-to-many associations
OneToManyLoader Loads one-to-many associations

The collection persister must implement QueryableCOllection.
SubselectCollectionLoader Implements subselect fetching for a collection
SubselectOneToManyLoader Implements subselect fetching for a one to many association

Package org.hibernate.loader.collection Description

This package defines collection initializers