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BasicLoader (Hibernate API Documentation) - Hibernate 3.2.4 正式版 API 英文文档

Class BasicLoader

  extended byorg.hibernate.loader.Loader
      extended byorg.hibernate.loader.BasicLoader
Direct Known Subclasses:
OuterJoinLoader, QueryLoader, QueryTranslatorImpl

public abstract class BasicLoader
extends Loader

Uses the default mapping from property to result set column alias defined by the entities' persisters. Used when Hibernate is generating result set column aliases.

Gavin King

Field Summary
protected static String[] NO_SUFFIX
Constructor Summary
BasicLoader(SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
Method Summary
static String[] generateSuffixes(int length)
          Utility method that generates 0_, 1_ suffixes.
static String[] generateSuffixes(int seed, int length)
protected  CollectionAliases[] getCollectionAliases()
protected abstract  String[] getCollectionSuffixes()
protected  EntityAliases[] getEntityAliases()
          Get the result set descriptor
protected abstract  String[] getSuffixes()
protected  void postInstantiate()
          Calculate and cache select-clause suffixes.
Methods inherited from class org.hibernate.loader.Loader
applyLocks, autoDiscoverTypes, bindNamedParameters, bindParameterValues, bindPositionalParameters, checkScrollability, doList, getAliases, getCollectionOwners, getCollectionPersisters, getEntityEagerPropertyFetches, getEntityPersisters, getFactory, getLockModes, getNamedParameterLocs, getOwnerAssociationTypes, getOwners, getQueryIdentifier, getResultColumnOrRow, getResultList, getResultSet, getSQLString, hasSubselectLoadableCollections, isSingleRowLoader, isSubselectLoadingEnabled, list, loadCollection, loadCollectionBatch, loadCollectionSubselect, loadEntity, loadEntity, loadEntityBatch, loadSequentialRowsForward, loadSequentialRowsReverse, loadSingleRow, needsFetchingScroll, prepareQueryStatement, preprocessSQL, processFilters, scroll, toString, upgradeLocks
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final String[] NO_SUFFIX
Constructor Detail


public BasicLoader(SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
Method Detail


protected final EntityAliases[] getEntityAliases()
Description copied from class: Loader
Get the result set descriptor

Specified by:
getEntityAliases in class Loader


protected final CollectionAliases[] getCollectionAliases()
Specified by:
getCollectionAliases in class Loader


protected abstract String[] getSuffixes()


protected abstract String[] getCollectionSuffixes()


protected void postInstantiate()
Description copied from class: Loader
Calculate and cache select-clause suffixes. Must be called by subclasses after instantiation.

postInstantiate in class Loader


public static String[] generateSuffixes(int length)
Utility method that generates 0_, 1_ suffixes. Subclasses don't necessarily need to use this algorithm, but it is intended that they will in most cases.


public static String[] generateSuffixes(int seed,
                                        int length)