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org.hibernate.id.insert (Hibernate API Documentation) - Hibernate 3.2.4 正式版 API 英文文档

Package org.hibernate.id.insert

Interface Summary
InsertGeneratedIdentifierDelegate Responsible for handling delegation relating to variants in how insert-generated-identifier generator strategies dictate processing: building the sql insert statement determination of the generated identifier value

Class Summary
AbstractReturningDelegate Abstract InsertGeneratedIdentifierDelegate implementation where the underlying strategy causes the enerated identitifer to be returned as an effect of performing the insert statement.
AbstractSelectingDelegate Abstract InsertGeneratedIdentifierDelegate implementation where the underlying strategy requires an subsequent select after the insert to determine the generated identifier.
IdentifierGeneratingInsert Nothing more than a distinguishing subclass of Insert used to indicate intent.
InsertSelectIdentityInsert Specialized IdentifierGeneratingInsert which appends the database specific clause which signifies to return generated IDENTITY values to the end of the insert statement.