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Uses of Interface org.hibernate.engine.Mapping (Hibernate API Documentation) - Hibernate 3.2.4 正式版 API 英文文档

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Mapping
org.hibernate.cfg This package defines APIs for configuring Hibernate, and classes for building the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel. 
org.hibernate.dialect This package abstracts the SQL dialect of the underlying database. 
org.hibernate.dialect.function A framework for defining database-specific SQL functions that are available via the dialect. 
org.hibernate.engine This package contains classes that are "shared" by other packages, and implementations of some key algorithms. 
org.hibernate.impl This package contains implementations of the central Hibernate APIs, especially the Hibernate session. 
org.hibernate.mapping This package defines the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel. 
org.hibernate.persister A persister defines a mapping strategy for a collection or entity. 
org.hibernate.persister.collection This package abstracts the persistence mechanism for collections. 
org.hibernate.persister.entity This package abstracts persistence mechanisms for entities, and defines the Hibernate runtime metamodel. 
org.hibernate.type A Hibernate Type is a strategy for mapping a Java property type to a JDBC type or types. 

Uses of Mapping in org.hibernate.cfg

Methods in org.hibernate.cfg that return Mapping
 Mapping Configuration.buildMapping()

Uses of Mapping in org.hibernate.dialect

Methods in org.hibernate.dialect with parameters of type Mapping
 Type DerbyDialect.DerbyTrimFunctionEmulation.getReturnType(Type columnType, Mapping mapping)

Uses of Mapping in org.hibernate.dialect.function

Methods in org.hibernate.dialect.function with parameters of type Mapping
 Type VarArgsSQLFunction.getReturnType(Type columnType, Mapping mapping)
 Type StandardSQLFunction.getReturnType(Type columnType, Mapping mapping)
          The return type of the function. May be either a concrete type which is preset, or variable depending upon the type of the first function argument.
 Type SQLFunctionTemplate.getReturnType(Type columnType, Mapping mapping)
 Type SQLFunction.getReturnType(Type columnType, Mapping mapping)
          The return type of the function.
 Type PositionSubstringFunction.getReturnType(Type columnType, Mapping mapping)
 Type NvlFunction.getReturnType(Type columnType, Mapping mapping)
 Type NoArgSQLFunction.getReturnType(Type columnType, Mapping mapping)
 Type ConvertFunction.getReturnType(Type columnType, Mapping mapping)
 Type ClassicCountFunction.getReturnType(Type columnType, Mapping mapping)
 Type ClassicAvgFunction.getReturnType(Type columnType, Mapping mapping)
 Type CharIndexFunction.getReturnType(Type columnType, Mapping mapping)
 Type CastFunction.getReturnType(Type columnType, Mapping mapping)
 Type AnsiTrimEmulationFunction.getReturnType(Type columnType, Mapping mapping)

Uses of Mapping in org.hibernate.engine

Subinterfaces of Mapping in org.hibernate.engine
 interface SessionFactoryImplementor
          Defines the internal contract between the SessionFactory and other parts of Hibernate such as implementors of Type.

Methods in org.hibernate.engine with parameters of type Mapping
static String[] JoinHelper.getAliasedLHSColumnNames(AssociationType type, String alias, int property, OuterJoinLoadable lhsPersister, Mapping mapping)
          Get the aliased columns of the owning entity which are to be used in the join
static String[] JoinHelper.getLHSColumnNames(AssociationType type, int property, OuterJoinLoadable lhsPersister, Mapping mapping)
          Get the columns of the owning entity which are to be used in the join
static String[] JoinHelper.getAliasedLHSColumnNames(AssociationType type, String alias, int property, int begin, OuterJoinLoadable lhsPersister, Mapping mapping)
          Get the aliased columns of the owning entity which are to be used in the join
static String[] JoinHelper.getLHSColumnNames(AssociationType type, int property, int begin, OuterJoinLoadable lhsPersister, Mapping mapping)
          Get the columns of the owning entity which are to be used in the join

Uses of Mapping in org.hibernate.impl

Classes in org.hibernate.impl that implement Mapping
 class SessionFactoryImpl
          Concrete implementation of the SessionFactory interface.

Constructors in org.hibernate.impl with parameters of type Mapping
SessionFactoryImpl(Configuration cfg, Mapping mapping, Settings settings, EventListeners listeners)

Uses of Mapping in org.hibernate.mapping

Methods in org.hibernate.mapping with parameters of type Mapping
 boolean Value.isValid(Mapping mapping)
 String UniqueKey.sqlCreateString(Dialect dialect, Mapping p, String defaultCatalog, String defaultSchema)
 void UnionSubclass.validate(Mapping mapping)
 boolean ToOne.isValid(Mapping mapping)
 void Table.validateColumns(Dialect dialect, Mapping mapping, TableMetadata tableInfo)
 Iterator Table.sqlAlterStrings(Dialect dialect, Mapping p, TableMetadata tableInfo, String defaultCatalog, String defaultSchema)
 String Table.sqlTemporaryTableCreateString(Dialect dialect, Mapping mapping)
 String Table.sqlCreateString(Dialect dialect, Mapping p, String defaultCatalog, String defaultSchema)
 void SingleTableSubclass.validate(Mapping mapping)
 boolean SimpleValue.isValid(Mapping mapping)
 String SimpleAuxiliaryDatabaseObject.sqlCreateString(Dialect dialect, Mapping p, String defaultCatalog, String defaultSchema)
 void Set.validate(Mapping mapping)
 void RootClass.validate(Mapping mapping)
 String RelationalModel.sqlCreateString(Dialect dialect, Mapping p, String defaultCatalog, String defaultSchema)
 boolean Property.isValid(Mapping mapping)
 void PersistentClass.validate(Mapping mapping)
 void PersistentClass.prepareTemporaryTables(Mapping mapping, Dialect dialect)
 boolean OneToMany.isValid(Mapping mapping)
 void JoinedSubclass.validate(Mapping mapping)
 void IndexedCollection.validate(Mapping mapping)
 String Index.sqlCreateString(Dialect dialect, Mapping mapping, String defaultCatalog, String defaultSchema)
 void IdentifierCollection.validate(Mapping mapping)
 String Constraint.sqlCreateString(Dialect dialect, Mapping p, String defaultCatalog, String defaultSchema)
 int Column.getSqlTypeCode(Mapping mapping)
 String Column.getSqlType(Dialect dialect, Mapping mapping)
 void Collection.validate(Mapping mapping)
 boolean Collection.isValid(Mapping mapping)

Uses of Mapping in org.hibernate.persister

Methods in org.hibernate.persister with parameters of type Mapping
static EntityPersister PersisterFactory.createClassPersister(PersistentClass model, CacheConcurrencyStrategy cache, SessionFactoryImplementor factory, Mapping cfg)

Uses of Mapping in org.hibernate.persister.collection

Constructors in org.hibernate.persister.collection with parameters of type Mapping
CompositeElementPropertyMapping(String[] elementColumns, String[] elementFormulaTemplates, AbstractComponentType compositeType, Mapping factory)

Uses of Mapping in org.hibernate.persister.entity

Methods in org.hibernate.persister.entity with parameters of type Mapping
protected  String UnionSubclassEntityPersister.generateSubquery(PersistentClass model, Mapping mapping)
protected  void AbstractPropertyMapping.initPropertyPaths(String path, Type type, String[] columns, String[] formulaTemplates, Mapping factory)
protected  void AbstractPropertyMapping.initIdentifierPropertyPaths(String path, EntityType etype, String[] columns, Mapping factory)
protected  void AbstractPropertyMapping.initComponentPropertyPaths(String path, AbstractComponentType type, String[] columns, String[] formulaTemplates, Mapping factory)
protected  void AbstractEntityPersister.initPropertyPaths(Mapping mapping)
protected  void AbstractEntityPersister.postConstruct(Mapping mapping)

Constructors in org.hibernate.persister.entity with parameters of type Mapping
UnionSubclassEntityPersister(PersistentClass persistentClass, CacheConcurrencyStrategy cache, SessionFactoryImplementor factory, Mapping mapping)
SingleTableEntityPersister(PersistentClass persistentClass, CacheConcurrencyStrategy cache, SessionFactoryImplementor factory, Mapping mapping)
JoinedSubclassEntityPersister(PersistentClass persistentClass, CacheConcurrencyStrategy cache, SessionFactoryImplementor factory, Mapping mapping)

Uses of Mapping in org.hibernate.type

Methods in org.hibernate.type with parameters of type Mapping
 int[] Type.sqlTypes(Mapping mapping)
          Return the SQL type codes for the columns mapped by this type.
 int Type.getColumnSpan(Mapping mapping)
          How many columns are used to persist this type.
 Object Type.fromXMLNode(org.dom4j.Node xml, Mapping factory)
          Parse the XML representation of an instance.
 boolean[] Type.toColumnNullness(Object value, Mapping mapping)
          Given an instance of the type, return an array of boolean, indicating which mapped columns would be null.
 int SpecialOneToOneType.getColumnSpan(Mapping mapping)
 int[] SpecialOneToOneType.sqlTypes(Mapping mapping)
 int OneToOneType.getColumnSpan(Mapping session)
 int[] OneToOneType.sqlTypes(Mapping session)
 boolean[] OneToOneType.toColumnNullness(Object value, Mapping mapping)
 Object NullableType.fromXMLString(String xml, Mapping factory)
 int NullableType.getColumnSpan(Mapping session)
 int[] NullableType.sqlTypes(Mapping session)
 Object NullableType.fromXMLNode(org.dom4j.Node xml, Mapping factory)
 boolean[] NullableType.toColumnNullness(Object value, Mapping mapping)
 int[] MetaType.sqlTypes(Mapping mapping)
 int MetaType.getColumnSpan(Mapping mapping)
 Object MetaType.fromXMLString(String xml, Mapping factory)
 Object MetaType.fromXMLNode(org.dom4j.Node xml, Mapping factory)
 boolean[] MetaType.toColumnNullness(Object value, Mapping mapping)
 int ManyToOneType.getColumnSpan(Mapping mapping)
 int[] ManyToOneType.sqlTypes(Mapping mapping)
 boolean[] ManyToOneType.toColumnNullness(Object value, Mapping mapping)
 Object EntityType.fromXMLNode(org.dom4j.Node xml, Mapping factory)
          Parse the XML representation of an instance.
 Type EntityType.getIdentifierOrUniqueKeyType(Mapping factory)
          Determine the type of either (1) the identifier if we reference the associated entity's PK or (2) the unique key to which we refer (i.e.
 String EntityType.getIdentifierOrUniqueKeyPropertyName(Mapping factory)
          The name of the property on the associated entity to which our FK refers
 int[] CustomType.sqlTypes(Mapping pi)
 int CustomType.getColumnSpan(Mapping session)
 Object CustomType.fromXMLString(String xml, Mapping factory)
 Object CustomType.fromXMLNode(org.dom4j.Node xml, Mapping factory)
 boolean[] CustomType.toColumnNullness(Object value, Mapping mapping)
 int CompositeCustomType.getColumnSpan(Mapping mapping)
 int[] CompositeCustomType.sqlTypes(Mapping mapping)
 Object CompositeCustomType.fromXMLNode(org.dom4j.Node xml, Mapping factory)
 boolean[] CompositeCustomType.toColumnNullness(Object value, Mapping mapping)
 int[] ComponentType.sqlTypes(Mapping mapping)
 int ComponentType.getColumnSpan(Mapping mapping)
 Object ComponentType.fromXMLNode(org.dom4j.Node xml, Mapping factory)
 boolean[] ComponentType.toColumnNullness(Object value, Mapping mapping)
 int[] CollectionType.sqlTypes(Mapping session)
 int CollectionType.getColumnSpan(Mapping session)
 Object CollectionType.fromXMLNode(org.dom4j.Node xml, Mapping factory)
 boolean[] CollectionType.toColumnNullness(Object value, Mapping mapping)
 Object ClobType.fromXMLNode(org.dom4j.Node xml, Mapping factory)
 int ClobType.getColumnSpan(Mapping mapping)
 int[] ClobType.sqlTypes(Mapping mapping)
 boolean[] ClobType.toColumnNullness(Object value, Mapping mapping)
 Object BlobType.fromXMLNode(org.dom4j.Node xml, Mapping factory)
 int BlobType.getColumnSpan(Mapping mapping)
 int[] BlobType.sqlTypes(Mapping mapping)
 boolean[] BlobType.toColumnNullness(Object value, Mapping mapping)
 int AnyType.getColumnSpan(Mapping session)
 int[] AnyType.sqlTypes(Mapping mapping)
 Object AnyType.fromXMLNode(org.dom4j.Node xml, Mapping factory)
 boolean[] AnyType.toColumnNullness(Object value, Mapping mapping)