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Uses of Interface org.hibernate.dialect.function.SQLFunction (Hibernate API Documentation) - Hibernate 3.2.4 正式版 API 英文文档

Uses of Interface

Packages that use SQLFunction
org.hibernate.cfg This package defines APIs for configuring Hibernate, and classes for building the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel. 
org.hibernate.dialect This package abstracts the SQL dialect of the underlying database. 
org.hibernate.dialect.function A framework for defining database-specific SQL functions that are available via the dialect. 

Uses of SQLFunction in org.hibernate.cfg

Methods in org.hibernate.cfg with parameters of type SQLFunction
 void Configuration.addSqlFunction(String functionName, SQLFunction function)

Uses of SQLFunction in org.hibernate.dialect

Classes in org.hibernate.dialect that implement SQLFunction
static class DerbyDialect.DerbyTrimFunctionEmulation
          A specialized function template to emulate the ANSI trim function on Derby DB since it does not support the full trim specification.

Methods in org.hibernate.dialect with parameters of type SQLFunction
protected  void Dialect.registerFunction(String name, SQLFunction function)

Uses of SQLFunction in org.hibernate.dialect.function

Classes in org.hibernate.dialect.function that implement SQLFunction
 class AnsiTrimEmulationFunction
          A SQLFunction implementation that emulates the ANSI SQL trim function on dialects which do not support the full definition.
 class CastFunction
          ANSI-SQL style cast(foo as type) where the type is a Hibernate type
 class CharIndexFunction
          Emulation of locate() on Sybase
 class ClassicAvgFunction
          Classic AVG sqlfunction that return types as it was done in Hibernate 3.1
 class ClassicCountFunction
          Classic COUNT sqlfunction that return types as it was done in Hibernate 3.1
 class ClassicSumFunction
          Classic SUM sqlfunction that return types as it was done in Hibernate 3.1
 class ConditionalParenthesisFunction
          Essentially the same as StandardSQLFunction, except that here the parentheses are not included when no arguments are given.
 class ConvertFunction
          A Caché defintion of a convert function.
 class NoArgSQLFunction
          A function which takes no arguments
 class NvlFunction
          Emulation of coalesce() on Oracle, using multiple nvl() calls
 class PositionSubstringFunction
          Emulation of locate() on PostgreSQL
 class SQLFunctionTemplate
          Represents HQL functions that can have different representations in different SQL dialects.
 class StandardJDBCEscapeFunction
          Analogous to StandardSQLFunction except that standard JDBC escape sequences (i.e.
 class StandardSQLFunction
          Provides a standard implementation that supports the majority of the HQL functions that are translated to SQL.
 class VarArgsSQLFunction
          Support for slightly more general templating than StandardSQLFunction, with an unlimited number of arguments.

Methods in org.hibernate.dialect.function that return SQLFunction
 SQLFunction SQLFunctionRegistry.findSQLFunction(String functionName)

Uses of SQLFunction in org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree

Methods in org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree that return SQLFunction
 SQLFunction MethodNode.getSQLFunction()

Uses of SQLFunction in org.hibernate.hql.ast.util

Methods in org.hibernate.hql.ast.util that return SQLFunction
 SQLFunction SessionFactoryHelper.findSQLFunction(String functionName)
          Locate a registered sql function by name.