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SQLServerDialect (Hibernate API Documentation) - Hibernate 3.2.4 正式版 API 英文文档

Class SQLServerDialect

  extended byorg.hibernate.dialect.Dialect
      extended byorg.hibernate.dialect.SybaseDialect
          extended byorg.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect

public class SQLServerDialect
extends SybaseDialect

A dialect for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and 2005

Gavin King

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 String appendIdentitySelectToInsert(String insertSQL)
          Use insert table(...) values(...) select SCOPE_IDENTITY()
 String appendLockHint(LockMode mode, String tableName)
          Some dialects support an alternative means to SELECT FOR UPDATE, whereby a "lock hint" is appends to the table name in the from clause.
 boolean areStringComparisonsCaseInsensitive()
          Are string comparisons implicitly case insensitive.
 char closeQuote()
          The character specific to this dialect used to close a quoted identifier.
 boolean doesReadCommittedCauseWritersToBlockReaders()
          For the underlying database, is READ_COMMITTED isolation implemented by forcing readers to wait for write locks to be released?
 boolean doesRepeatableReadCauseReadersToBlockWriters()
          For the underlying database, is REPEATABLE_READ isolation implemented by forcing writers to wait for read locks to be released?
 String getCurrentTimestampSelectString()
          Retrieve the command used to retrieve the current timestammp from the database.
 String getLimitString(String querySelect, int offset, int limit)
          Given a limit and an offset, apply the limit clause to the query.
 String getNoColumnsInsertString()
          The fragment used to insert a row without specifying any column values.
 String getSelectGUIDString()
          Get the command used to select a GUID from the underlying database.
 char openQuote()
          The character specific to this dialect used to begin a quoted identifier.
 boolean supportsCircularCascadeDeleteConstraints()
          Does this dialect support definition of cascade delete constraints which can cause circular chains?
 boolean supportsLimit()
          Does this dialect support some form of limiting query results via a SQL clause?
 boolean supportsLimitOffset()
          Does this dialect's LIMIT support (if any) additionally support specifying an offset?
 boolean supportsLobValueChangePropogation()
          Does the dialect support propogating changes to LOB values back to the database? Talking about mutating the internal value of the locator as opposed to supplying a new locator instance...
 boolean supportsResultSetPositionQueryMethodsOnForwardOnlyCursor()
          Does this dialect support asking the result set its positioning information on forward only cursors.
 boolean supportsVariableLimit()
          Does this dialect support bind variables (i.e., prepared statememnt parameters) for its limit/offset?
 boolean useMaxForLimit()
          Does the LIMIT clause take a "maximum" row number instead of a total number of returned rows?

This is easiest understood via an example.

Methods inherited from class org.hibernate.dialect.SybaseDialect
applyLocksToSql, dropTemporaryTableAfterUse, generateTemporaryTableName, getAddColumnString, getForUpdateString, getIdentityColumnString, getIdentitySelectString, getNullColumnString, getResultSet, isCurrentTimestampSelectStringCallable, qualifyIndexName, registerResultSetOutParameter, supportsCurrentTimestampSelection, supportsEmptyInList, supportsExistsInSelect, supportsIdentityColumns, supportsInsertSelectIdentity, supportsTemporaryTables
Methods inherited from class org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect
bindLimitParametersFirst, bindLimitParametersInReverseOrder, buildSQLExceptionConverter, createCaseFragment, createOuterJoinFragment, dropConstraints, forUpdateOfColumns, getAddForeignKeyConstraintString, getAddPrimaryKeyConstraintString, getCascadeConstraintsString, getCastTypeName, getColumnComment, getCreateMultisetTableString, getCreateSequenceString, getCreateSequenceString, getCreateSequenceStrings, getCreateSequenceStrings, getCreateTableString, getCreateTemporaryTablePostfix, getCreateTemporaryTableString, getCurrentTimestampSQLFunctionName, getDefaultProperties, getDialect, getDialect, getDropForeignKeyString, getDropSequenceString, getDropSequenceStrings, getForUpdateNowaitString, getForUpdateNowaitString, getForUpdateString, getForUpdateString, getFunctions, getHibernateTypeName, getHibernateTypeName, getIdentityColumnString, getIdentityInsertString, getIdentitySelectString, getKeywords, getLimitString, getLockingStrategy, getLowercaseFunction, getMaxAliasLength, getNativeIdentifierGeneratorClass, getQuerySequencesString, getSelectClauseNullString, getSelectSequenceNextValString, getSequenceNextValString, getTableComment, getTableTypeString, getTypeName, getTypeName, getViolatedConstraintNameExtracter, hasAlterTable, hasDataTypeInIdentityColumn, hasSelfReferentialForeignKeyBug, performTemporaryTableDDLInIsolation, quote, registerColumnType, registerColumnType, registerFunction, registerHibernateType, registerHibernateType, registerKeyword, supportsBindAsCallableArgument, supportsCascadeDelete, supportsColumnCheck, supportsCommentOn, supportsExpectedLobUsagePattern, supportsIfExistsAfterTableName, supportsIfExistsBeforeTableName, supportsNotNullUnique, supportsOuterJoinForUpdate, supportsParametersInInsertSelect, supportsPooledSequences, supportsRowValueConstructorSyntax, supportsRowValueConstructorSyntaxInInList, supportsSequences, supportsSubqueryOnMutatingTable, supportsSubselectAsInPredicateLHS, supportsTableCheck, supportsUnboundedLobLocatorMaterialization, supportsUnionAll, supportsUnique, supportsUniqueConstraintInCreateAlterTable, toBooleanValueString, toString, transformSelectString, useInputStreamToInsertBlob
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SQLServerDialect()
Method Detail


public String getNoColumnsInsertString()
Description copied from class: Dialect
The fragment used to insert a row without specifying any column values. This is not possible on some databases.

getNoColumnsInsertString in class Dialect
The appropriate empty values clause.


public String getLimitString(String querySelect,
                             int offset,
                             int limit)
Description copied from class: Dialect
Given a limit and an offset, apply the limit clause to the query.

getLimitString in class Dialect
querySelect - The query to which to apply the limit.
offset - The offset of the limit
limit - The limit of the limit ;)
The modified query statement with the limit applied.


public String appendIdentitySelectToInsert(String insertSQL)
Use insert table(...) values(...) select SCOPE_IDENTITY()

appendIdentitySelectToInsert in class SybaseDialect


public boolean supportsLimit()
Description copied from class: Dialect
Does this dialect support some form of limiting query results via a SQL clause?

supportsLimit in class Dialect
True if this dialect supports some form of LIMIT.


public boolean useMaxForLimit()
Description copied from class: Dialect
Does the LIMIT clause take a "maximum" row number instead of a total number of returned rows?

This is easiest understood via an example. Consider you have a table with 20 rows, but you only want to retrieve rows number 11 through 20. Generally, a limit with offset would say that the offset = 11 and the limit = 10 (we only want 10 rows at a time); this is specifying the total number of returned rows. Some dialects require that we instead specify offset = 11 and limit = 20, where 20 is the "last" row we want relative to offset (i.e. total number of rows = 20 - 11 = 9)

So essentially, is limit relative from offset? Or is limit absolute?

useMaxForLimit in class Dialect
True if limit is relative from offset; false otherwise.


public boolean supportsLimitOffset()
Description copied from class: Dialect
Does this dialect's LIMIT support (if any) additionally support specifying an offset?

supportsLimitOffset in class Dialect
True if the dialect supports an offset within the limit support.


public boolean supportsVariableLimit()
Description copied from class: Dialect
Does this dialect support bind variables (i.e., prepared statememnt parameters) for its limit/offset?

supportsVariableLimit in class Dialect
True if bind variables can be used; false otherwise.


public char closeQuote()
Description copied from class: Dialect
The character specific to this dialect used to close a quoted identifier.

closeQuote in class Dialect
The dialect's specific close quote character.


public char openQuote()
Description copied from class: Dialect
The character specific to this dialect used to begin a quoted identifier.

openQuote in class Dialect
The dialect's specific open quote character.


public String appendLockHint(LockMode mode,
                             String tableName)
Description copied from class: Dialect
Some dialects support an alternative means to SELECT FOR UPDATE, whereby a "lock hint" is appends to the table name in the from clause.

contributed by Helge Schulz

appendLockHint in class SybaseDialect


public String getSelectGUIDString()
Description copied from class: Dialect
Get the command used to select a GUID from the underlying database.

Optional operation.

getSelectGUIDString in class Dialect
The appropriate command.


public String getCurrentTimestampSelectString()
Description copied from class: Dialect
Retrieve the command used to retrieve the current timestammp from the database.

getCurrentTimestampSelectString in class SybaseDialect


public boolean areStringComparisonsCaseInsensitive()
Description copied from class: Dialect
Are string comparisons implicitly case insensitive.

In other words, does [where 'XYZ' = 'xyz'] resolve to true?

areStringComparisonsCaseInsensitive in class Dialect
True if comparisons are case insensitive.


public boolean supportsResultSetPositionQueryMethodsOnForwardOnlyCursor()
Description copied from class: Dialect
Does this dialect support asking the result set its positioning information on forward only cursors. Specifically, in the case of scrolling fetches, Hibernate needs to use ResultSet.isAfterLast() and ResultSet.isBeforeFirst(). Certain drivers do not allow access to these methods for forward only cursors.

NOTE : this is highly driver dependent!

supportsResultSetPositionQueryMethodsOnForwardOnlyCursor in class Dialect
True if methods like ResultSet.isAfterLast() and ResultSet.isBeforeFirst() are supported for forward only cursors; false otherwise.


public boolean supportsCircularCascadeDeleteConstraints()
Description copied from class: Dialect
Does this dialect support definition of cascade delete constraints which can cause circular chains?

supportsCircularCascadeDeleteConstraints in class Dialect
True if circular cascade delete constraints are supported; false otherwise.


public boolean supportsLobValueChangePropogation()
Description copied from class: Dialect
Does the dialect support propogating changes to LOB values back to the database? Talking about mutating the internal value of the locator as opposed to supplying a new locator instance...

For BLOBs, the internal value might be changed by: Blob.setBinaryStream(long), Blob.setBytes(long, byte[]), Blob.setBytes(long, byte[], int, int), or Blob.truncate(long).

For CLOBs, the internal value might be changed by: Clob.setAsciiStream(long), Clob.setCharacterStream(long), Clob.setString(long, String), Clob.setString(long, String, int, int), or Clob.truncate(long).

NOTE : I do not know the correct answer currently for databases which (1) are not part of the cruise control process or (2) do not Dialect.supportsExpectedLobUsagePattern().

supportsLobValueChangePropogation in class Dialect
True if the changes are propogated back to the database; false otherwise.


public boolean doesReadCommittedCauseWritersToBlockReaders()
Description copied from class: Dialect
For the underlying database, is READ_COMMITTED isolation implemented by forcing readers to wait for write locks to be released?

doesReadCommittedCauseWritersToBlockReaders in class SybaseDialect


public boolean doesRepeatableReadCauseReadersToBlockWriters()
Description copied from class: Dialect
For the underlying database, is REPEATABLE_READ isolation implemented by forcing writers to wait for read locks to be released?

doesRepeatableReadCauseReadersToBlockWriters in class SybaseDialect