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Uses of Class org.hibernate.cache.QueryKey (Hibernate API Documentation) - Hibernate 3.2.4 正式版 API 英文文档

Uses of Class

Packages that use QueryKey
org.hibernate.cache This package defines APIs and implementations for the second-level cache and query cache. 

Uses of QueryKey in org.hibernate.cache

Methods in org.hibernate.cache with parameters of type QueryKey
 boolean StandardQueryCache.put(QueryKey key, Type[] returnTypes, List result, boolean isNaturalKeyLookup, SessionImplementor session)
 List StandardQueryCache.get(QueryKey key, Type[] returnTypes, boolean isNaturalKeyLookup, Set spaces, SessionImplementor session)
 boolean QueryCache.put(QueryKey key, Type[] returnTypes, List result, boolean isNaturalKeyLookup, SessionImplementor session)
 List QueryCache.get(QueryKey key, Type[] returnTypes, boolean isNaturalKeyLookup, Set spaces, SessionImplementor session)