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Uses of Class org.hibernate.type.NullableType (Hibernate API Documentation) - Hibernate 3.2.3 正式版 API 英文文档

Uses of Class

Packages that use NullableType
org.hibernate This package defines the central Hibernate APIs. 
org.hibernate.type A Hibernate Type is a strategy for mapping a Java property type to a JDBC type or types. 

Uses of NullableType in org.hibernate

Fields in org.hibernate declared as NullableType
static NullableType Hibernate.LONG
          Hibernate long type.
static NullableType Hibernate.SHORT
          Hibernate short type.
static NullableType Hibernate.INTEGER
          Hibernate integer type.
static NullableType Hibernate.BYTE
          Hibernate byte type.
static NullableType Hibernate.FLOAT
          Hibernate float type.
static NullableType Hibernate.DOUBLE
          Hibernate double type.
static NullableType Hibernate.CHARACTER
          Hibernate character type.
static NullableType Hibernate.STRING
          Hibernate string type.
static NullableType Hibernate.TIME
          Hibernate time type.
static NullableType Hibernate.DATE
          Hibernate date type.
static NullableType Hibernate.TIMESTAMP
          Hibernate timestamp type.
static NullableType Hibernate.BOOLEAN
          Hibernate boolean type.
static NullableType Hibernate.TRUE_FALSE
          Hibernate true_false type.
static NullableType Hibernate.YES_NO
          Hibernate yes_no type.
static NullableType Hibernate.BIG_DECIMAL
          Hibernate big_decimal type.
static NullableType Hibernate.BIG_INTEGER
          Hibernate big_integer type.
static NullableType Hibernate.BINARY
          Hibernate binary type.
static NullableType Hibernate.WRAPPER_BINARY
          Hibernate wrapper-binary type.
static NullableType Hibernate.CHAR_ARRAY
          Hibernate char[] type.
static NullableType Hibernate.CHARACTER_ARRAY
          Hibernate Character[] type.
static NullableType Hibernate.TEXT
          Hibernate text type.
static NullableType Hibernate.CALENDAR
          Hibernate calendar type.
static NullableType Hibernate.CALENDAR_DATE
          Hibernate calendar_date type.
static NullableType Hibernate.LOCALE
          Hibernate locale type.
static NullableType Hibernate.CURRENCY
          Hibernate currency type.
static NullableType Hibernate.TIMEZONE
          Hibernate timezone type.
static NullableType Hibernate.CLASS
          Hibernate class type.
static NullableType Hibernate.SERIALIZABLE
          Hibernate serializable type.

Uses of NullableType in org.hibernate.type

Subclasses of NullableType in org.hibernate.type
 class AbstractBynaryType
          Logic to bind stream of byte into a VARBINARY
 class AbstractCharArrayType
          Logic to bind stream of char into a VARCHAR
 class AdaptedImmutableType
          Optimize a mutable type, if the user promises not to mutable the instances.
 class BigDecimalType
          big_decimal: A type that maps an SQL NUMERIC to a java.math.BigDecimal
 class BigIntegerType
          big_integer: A type that maps an SQL NUMERIC to a java.math.BigInteger
 class BinaryType
          binary: A type that maps an SQL VARBINARY to a Java byte[].
 class BooleanType
          boolean: A type that maps an SQL BIT to a Java Boolean.
 class ByteType
          byte: A type that maps an SQL TINYINT to a Java Byte.
 class CalendarDateType
          calendar_date: A type mapping for a Calendar object that represents a date.
 class CalendarType
          calendar: A type mapping for a Calendar object that represents a datetime.
 class CharacterArrayType
          Bridge Character[] and VARCHAR
 class CharacterType
          character: A type that maps an SQL CHAR(1) to a Java Character.
 class CharArrayType
          put char[] into VARCHAR
 class CharBooleanType
          Superclass for types that map Java boolean to SQL CHAR(1).
 class ClassType
          class: A type that maps an SQL VARCHAR to a Java Class.
 class CurrencyType
          currency: A type that maps an SQL VARCHAR to a java.util.Currency
 class DateType
          date: A type that maps an SQL DATE to a Java Date.
 class DbTimestampType
          dbtimestamp: An extension of TimestampType which maps to the database's current timestamp, rather than the jvm's current timestamp.
 class DoubleType
          double: A type that maps an SQL DOUBLE to a Java Double.
 class FloatType
          float: A type that maps an SQL FLOAT to a Java Float.
 class ImmutableType
          Superclass of nullable immutable types.
 class IntegerType
          integer: A type that maps an SQL INT to a Java Integer.
 class LocaleType
          locale: A type that maps an SQL VARCHAR to a Java Locale.
 class LongType
          long: A type that maps an SQL BIGINT to a Java Long.
 class MutableType
          Superclass for mutable nullable types
 class PrimitiveType
          Superclass of primitive / primitive wrapper types.
 class SerializableType
          serializable: A type that maps an SQL VARBINARY to a serializable Java object.
 class ShortType
          short: A type that maps an SQL SMALLINT to a Java Short.
 class StringType
          string: A type that maps an SQL VARCHAR to a Java String.
 class TextType
          text: A type that maps an SQL CLOB to a Java String.
 class TimestampType
          timestamp: A type that maps an SQL TIMESTAMP to a Java java.util.Date or java.sql.Timestamp.
 class TimeType
          time: A type that maps an SQL TIME to a Java java.util.Date or java.sql.Time.
 class TimeZoneType
          timezone: A type that maps an SQL VARCHAR to a java.util.TimeZone
 class TrueFalseType
          true_false: A type that maps an SQL CHAR(1) to a Java Boolean.
 class WrapperBinaryType
 class YesNoType
          yes_no: A type that maps an SQL CHAR(1) to a Java Boolean.

Constructors in org.hibernate.type with parameters of type NullableType
AdaptedImmutableType(NullableType mutableType)