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Uses of Class org.hibernate.type.CollectionType (Hibernate API Documentation) - Hibernate 3.2.3 正式版 API 英文文档

Uses of Class

Packages that use CollectionType
org.hibernate.engine This package contains classes that are "shared" by other packages, and implementations of some key algorithms. 
org.hibernate.event.def This package defines a default set of event listeners that implements the default behaviors of Hibernate. 
org.hibernate.mapping This package defines the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel. 
org.hibernate.persister.collection This package abstracts the persistence mechanism for collections. 
org.hibernate.type A Hibernate Type is a strategy for mapping a Java property type to a JDBC type or types. 

Uses of CollectionType in org.hibernate.engine

Methods in org.hibernate.engine with parameters of type CollectionType
static void Collections.processReachableCollection(PersistentCollection collection, CollectionType type, Object entity, SessionImplementor session)
          Initialize the role of the collection.
abstract  Iterator CascadingAction.getCascadableChildrenIterator(EventSource session, CollectionType collectionType, Object collection)
          Given a collection, get an iterator of the children upon which the current cascading action should be visited.
static Iterator CascadingAction.getLoadedElementsIterator(SessionImplementor session, CollectionType collectionType, Object collection)
          Iterate just the elements of the collection that are already there.

Uses of CollectionType in org.hibernate.event.def

Methods in org.hibernate.event.def with parameters of type CollectionType
protected  void ProxyVisitor.reattachCollection(PersistentCollection collection, CollectionType type)
          Reattach a detached (disassociated) initialized or uninitialized collection wrapper, using a snapshot carried with the collection wrapper
 void EvictVisitor.evictCollection(Object value, CollectionType type)

Uses of CollectionType in org.hibernate.hql.ast.util

Methods in org.hibernate.hql.ast.util with parameters of type CollectionType
 String SessionFactoryHelper.getAssociatedEntityName(CollectionType collectionType)
          Given a collection type, determine the entity name of the elements contained within instance of that collection.
 AssociationType SessionFactoryHelper.getElementAssociationType(CollectionType collectionType)
          Essentially the same as #getElementType, but requiring that the element type be an association type.

Uses of CollectionType in org.hibernate.mapping

Methods in org.hibernate.mapping that return CollectionType
 CollectionType Set.getDefaultCollectionType()
 CollectionType Map.getDefaultCollectionType()
 CollectionType List.getDefaultCollectionType()
 CollectionType IdentifierBag.getDefaultCollectionType()
abstract  CollectionType Collection.getDefaultCollectionType()
 CollectionType Collection.getCollectionType()
 CollectionType Bag.getDefaultCollectionType()
 CollectionType Array.getDefaultCollectionType()

Uses of CollectionType in org.hibernate.persister.collection

Methods in org.hibernate.persister.collection that return CollectionType
 CollectionType CollectionPersister.getCollectionType()
          Get the associated Type
 CollectionType AbstractCollectionPersister.getCollectionType()

Uses of CollectionType in org.hibernate.type

Subclasses of CollectionType in org.hibernate.type
 class ArrayType
          A type for persistent arrays.
 class BagType
 class CustomCollectionType
          A custom type for mapping user-written classes that implement PersistentCollection
 class IdentifierBagType
 class ListType
 class MapType
 class OrderedMapType
 class OrderedSetType
 class SetType
 class SortedMapType
 class SortedSetType

Methods in org.hibernate.type that return CollectionType
static CollectionType TypeFactory.customCollection(String typeName, String role, String propertyRef, boolean embedded)
static CollectionType TypeFactory.array(String role, String propertyRef, boolean embedded, Class elementClass)
static CollectionType TypeFactory.list(String role, String propertyRef, boolean embedded)
static CollectionType TypeFactory.bag(String role, String propertyRef, boolean embedded)
static CollectionType TypeFactory.idbag(String role, String propertyRef, boolean embedded)
static CollectionType TypeFactory.map(String role, String propertyRef, boolean embedded)
static CollectionType TypeFactory.orderedMap(String role, String propertyRef, boolean embedded)
static CollectionType TypeFactory.set(String role, String propertyRef, boolean embedded)
static CollectionType TypeFactory.orderedSet(String role, String propertyRef, boolean embedded)
static CollectionType TypeFactory.sortedMap(String role, String propertyRef, boolean embedded, Comparator comparator)
static CollectionType TypeFactory.sortedSet(String role, String propertyRef, boolean embedded, Comparator comparator)