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Uses of Class org.hibernate.mapping.Table (Hibernate API Documentation) - Hibernate 3.2.3 正式版 API 英文文档

Uses of Class

Packages that use Table
org.hibernate.cfg This package defines APIs for configuring Hibernate, and classes for building the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel. 
org.hibernate.mapping This package defines the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel. 

Uses of Table in org.hibernate.cfg

Fields in org.hibernate.cfg declared as Table
 Table Mappings.TableDescription.denormalizedSupertable

Methods in org.hibernate.cfg that return Table
 Table Mappings.addTable(String schema, String catalog, String name, String subselect, boolean isAbstract)
 Table Mappings.addDenormalizedTable(String schema, String catalog, String name, boolean isAbstract, String subselect, Table includedTable)
 Table Mappings.getTable(String schema, String catalog, String name)

Methods in org.hibernate.cfg with parameters of type Table
 Table Mappings.addDenormalizedTable(String schema, String catalog, String name, boolean isAbstract, String subselect, Table includedTable)
 void Mappings.addTableBinding(String schema, String catalog, String logicalName, String physicalName, Table denormalizedSuperTable)
 void Mappings.addColumnBinding(String logicalName, Column finalColumn, Table table)
 String Mappings.getPhysicalColumnName(String logicalName, Table table)
 String Mappings.getLogicalColumnName(String physicalName, Table table)
 String Mappings.getLogicalTableName(Table table)
protected  void Configuration.secondPassCompileForeignKeys(Table table, Set done)

Constructors in org.hibernate.cfg with parameters of type Table
Mappings.TableDescription(String logicalName, Table denormalizedSupertable)

Uses of Table in org.hibernate.mapping

Subclasses of Table in org.hibernate.mapping
 class DenormalizedTable

Methods in org.hibernate.mapping that return Table
 Table Value.getTable()
 Table UnionSubclass.getTable()
 Table UnionSubclass.getIdentityTable()
 Table Subclass.getRootTable()
 Table Subclass.getTable()
 Table SimpleValue.getTable()
 Table RootClass.getTable()
 Table RootClass.getRootTable()
 Table PersistentClass.getIdentityTable()
abstract  Table PersistentClass.getTable()
abstract  Table PersistentClass.getRootTable()
 Table OneToMany.getTable()
          Table of the owner entity (the "one" side)
 Table JoinedSubclass.getTable()
 Table Join.getTable()
 Table Index.getTable()
 Table ForeignKey.getReferencedTable()
 Table Constraint.getTable()
 Table Collection.getCollectionTable()
 Table Collection.getTable()

Methods in org.hibernate.mapping with parameters of type Table
 void UnionSubclass.setTable(Table table)
 void TableOwner.setTable(Table table)
protected  void Subclass.addSubclassTable(Table table)
 boolean Subclass.isClassOrSuperclassTable(Table table)
 void SimpleValue.setTable(Table table)
 String Selectable.getAlias(Dialect dialect, Table table)
 void RootClass.setTable(Table table)
protected  void PersistentClass.addSubclassTable(Table subclassTable)
 boolean PersistentClass.isClassOrSuperclassTable(Table closureTable)
 void JoinedSubclass.setTable(Table table)
 void Join.setTable(Table table)
static String Index.buildSqlDropIndexString(Dialect dialect, Table table, String name, String defaultCatalog, String defaultSchema)
static String Index.buildSqlCreateIndexString(Dialect dialect, String name, Table table, Iterator columns, boolean unique, String defaultCatalog, String defaultSchema)
 void Index.setTable(Table table)
 String Formula.getAlias(Dialect dialect, Table table)
 void ForeignKey.setReferencedTable(Table referencedTable)
 void Constraint.setTable(Table table)
 String Column.getAlias(Dialect dialect, Table table)
          Generate a column alias that is unique across multiple tables
 void Collection.setCollectionTable(Table table)

Constructors in org.hibernate.mapping with parameters of type Table
ToOne(Table table)
SimpleValue(Table table)
OneToOne(Table table, PersistentClass owner)
ManyToOne(Table table)
DependantValue(Table table, KeyValue prototype)
DenormalizedTable(Table includedTable)
Any(Table table)