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VersionValue (Hibernate API Documentation) - Hibernate 3.2.3 正式版 API 英文文档

Class VersionValue

  extended byorg.hibernate.engine.VersionValue

public class VersionValue
extends Object

A strategy for determining if a version value is an version of a new transient instance or a previously persistent transient instance. The strategy is determined by the unsaved-value attribute in the mapping file.

Gavin King

Field Summary
static VersionValue NEGATIVE
          Assume the transient instance is newly instantiated if the version is negative, otherwise assume it is a detached instance.
static VersionValue NULL
          Assume the transient instance is newly instantiated if the version is null, otherwise assume it is a detached instance.
static VersionValue UNDEFINED
          Assume the transient instance is newly instantiated if the version is null, otherwise defer to the identifier unsaved-value.
Constructor Summary
protected VersionValue()
  VersionValue(Object value)
          Assume the transient instance is newly instantiated if its version is null or equal to value
Method Summary
 Object getDefaultValue(Object currentValue)
 Boolean isUnsaved(Object version)
          Does the given version belong to a new instance?
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final VersionValue NULL
Assume the transient instance is newly instantiated if the version is null, otherwise assume it is a detached instance.


public static final VersionValue UNDEFINED
Assume the transient instance is newly instantiated if the version is null, otherwise defer to the identifier unsaved-value.


public static final VersionValue NEGATIVE
Assume the transient instance is newly instantiated if the version is negative, otherwise assume it is a detached instance.

Constructor Detail


protected VersionValue()


public VersionValue(Object value)
Assume the transient instance is newly instantiated if its version is null or equal to value

value - value to compare to
Method Detail


public Boolean isUnsaved(Object version)
                  throws MappingException
Does the given version belong to a new instance?

version - version to check
true is unsaved, false is saved, null is undefined


public Object getDefaultValue(Object currentValue)


public String toString()