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Uses of Interface org.hibernate.Interceptor (Hibernate API Documentation) - Hibernate 3.2.3 正式版 API 英文文档

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Interceptor
org.hibernate This package defines the central Hibernate APIs. 
org.hibernate.cache.entry This package defines formats for disassembled state kept in the second level cache. 
org.hibernate.cfg This package defines APIs for configuring Hibernate, and classes for building the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel. 
org.hibernate.engine This package contains classes that are "shared" by other packages, and implementations of some key algorithms. 
org.hibernate.impl This package contains implementations of the central Hibernate APIs, especially the Hibernate session. 
org.hibernate.jdbc This package abstracts the mechanism for dispatching SQL statements to the database, and implements interaction with JDBC. 
org.hibernate.jmx This package exposes a Hibernate instance via JMX. 

Uses of Interceptor in org.hibernate

Classes in org.hibernate that implement Interceptor
 class EmptyInterceptor
          An interceptor that does nothing.

Fields in org.hibernate declared as Interceptor
static Interceptor EmptyInterceptor.INSTANCE

Methods in org.hibernate with parameters of type Interceptor
 Session SessionFactory.openSession(Interceptor interceptor)
          Create database connection and open a Session on it, specifying an interceptor.
 Session SessionFactory.openSession(Connection connection, Interceptor interceptor)
          Open a Session on the given connection, specifying an interceptor.

Uses of Interceptor in org.hibernate.cache.entry

Methods in org.hibernate.cache.entry with parameters of type Interceptor
 Object[] CacheEntry.assemble(Object instance, Serializable id, EntityPersister persister, Interceptor interceptor, EventSource session)

Uses of Interceptor in org.hibernate.cfg

Methods in org.hibernate.cfg that return Interceptor
 Interceptor Configuration.getInterceptor()
          Return the configured Interceptor

Methods in org.hibernate.cfg with parameters of type Interceptor
 Configuration Configuration.setInterceptor(Interceptor interceptor)
          Configure an Interceptor

Uses of Interceptor in org.hibernate.engine

Methods in org.hibernate.engine that return Interceptor
 Interceptor SessionImplementor.getInterceptor()
          Retrieves the interceptor currently in use by this event source.
 Interceptor SessionFactoryImplementor.getInterceptor()

Uses of Interceptor in org.hibernate.impl

Methods in org.hibernate.impl that return Interceptor
 Interceptor StatelessSessionImpl.getInterceptor()
 Interceptor SessionImpl.getInterceptor()
 Interceptor SessionFactoryImpl.getInterceptor()

Methods in org.hibernate.impl with parameters of type Interceptor
 Session SessionFactoryImpl.openSession(Connection connection, Interceptor sessionLocalInterceptor)
 Session SessionFactoryImpl.openSession(Interceptor sessionLocalInterceptor)

Uses of Interceptor in org.hibernate.jdbc

Methods in org.hibernate.jdbc with parameters of type Interceptor
 Batcher NonBatchingBatcherFactory.createBatcher(ConnectionManager connectionManager, Interceptor interceptor)
static JDBCContext JDBCContext.deserialize(ObjectInputStream ois, JDBCContext.Context context, Interceptor interceptor)
          Custom deserialization routine used during deserialization of a Session/PersistenceContext for increased performance.
static ConnectionManager ConnectionManager.deserialize(ObjectInputStream ois, SessionFactoryImplementor factory, Interceptor interceptor, ConnectionReleaseMode connectionReleaseMode, JDBCContext jdbcContext)
 Batcher BatchingBatcherFactory.createBatcher(ConnectionManager connectionManager, Interceptor interceptor)
 Batcher BatcherFactory.createBatcher(ConnectionManager connectionManager, Interceptor interceptor)

Constructors in org.hibernate.jdbc with parameters of type Interceptor
NonBatchingBatcher(ConnectionManager connectionManager, Interceptor interceptor)
JDBCContext(JDBCContext.Context owner, Connection connection, Interceptor interceptor)
ConnectionManager(SessionFactoryImplementor factory, ConnectionManager.Callback callback, ConnectionReleaseMode releaseMode, Connection connection, Interceptor interceptor)
          Constructs a ConnectionManager.
BatchingBatcher(ConnectionManager connectionManager, Interceptor interceptor)
AbstractBatcher(ConnectionManager connectionManager, Interceptor interceptor)

Uses of Interceptor in org.hibernate.jmx

Methods in org.hibernate.jmx with parameters of type Interceptor
 Session SessionFactoryStub.openSession(Connection connection, Interceptor interceptor)
 Session SessionFactoryStub.openSession(Interceptor interceptor)