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Uses of Interface net.sf.hibernate.type.DiscriminatorType (Hibernate API Documentation) - Hibernate 2.1.8 正式版 API 英文文档

Uses of Interface

Packages that use DiscriminatorType

Uses of DiscriminatorType in net.sf.hibernate.type

Classes in net.sf.hibernate.type that implement DiscriminatorType
 class BooleanType
          boolean: A type that maps an SQL BIT to a Java Boolean.
 class ByteType
          byte: A type that maps an SQL TINYINT to a Java Byte.
 class CharacterType
          character: A type that maps an SQL CHAR(1) to a Java Character.
 class CharBooleanType
          Superclass for types that map Java boolean to SQL CHAR(1).
 class IntegerType
          integer: A type that maps an SQL INT to a Java Integer.
 class LongType
          long: A type that maps an SQL BIGINT to a Java Long.
 class ShortType
          short: A type that maps an SQL SMALLINT to a Java Short.
 class StringType
          string: A type that maps an SQL VARCHAR to a Java String.
 class TrueFalseType
          true_false: A type that maps an SQL CHAR(1) to a Java Boolean.
 class YesNoType
          yes_no: A type that maps an SQL CHAR(1) to a Java Boolean.