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Uses of Interface net.sf.hibernate.type.AssociationType (Hibernate API Documentation) - Hibernate 2.1.8 正式版 API 英文文档

Uses of Interface

Packages that use AssociationType

Uses of AssociationType in net.sf.hibernate.loader

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.loader with parameters of type AssociationType
protected  int OuterJoinLoader.getJoinType(AssociationType type, int config, String path, String table, String[] foreignKeyColumns, SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
protected  boolean OuterJoinLoader.isJoinedFetchEnabledByDefault(int config, AssociationType type, SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
          Does the mapping, and Hibernate default semantics, specify that this association should be fetched by outer joining
protected  int CriteriaLoader.getJoinType(AssociationType type, int config, String path, String table, String[] foreignKeyColumns, SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
protected  int CollectionLoader.getJoinType(AssociationType type, int config, String path, String table, String[] foreignKeyColumns, SessionFactoryImplementor factory)

Uses of AssociationType in net.sf.hibernate.type

Classes in net.sf.hibernate.type that implement AssociationType
 class ArrayType
          A type for persistent arrays.
 class BagType
 class EntityType
          A reference to an entity class
 class IdentifierBagType
 class ListType
 class ManyToOneType
          A many-to-one association to an entity
 class MapType
 class ObjectType
          Handles "any" mappings and the old deprecated "object" type
 class OneToOneType
          A one-to-one association to an entity
 class PersistentCollectionType
          A type that handles Hibernate PersistentCollections (including arrays).
 class SetType
 class SortedMapType
 class SortedSetType