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net.sf.hibernate.exception (Hibernate API Documentation) - Hibernate 2.1.8 正式版 API 英文文档

Package net.sf.hibernate.exception

Interface Summary
Configurable The Configurable interface defines the contract for SQLExceptionConverter impls that want to be configured prior to usage given the currently defined Hibernate properties.
Nestable An interface to be implemented by Throwable extensions which would like to be able to nest root exceptions inside themselves.
SQLExceptionConverter Defines a contract for implementations that know how to convert SQLExceptions into Hibernate's JDBCException hierarchy.
ViolatedConstraintNameExtracter Defines a contract for implementations that can extract the name of a violated constraint from a SQLException that is the result of that constraint violation.

Class Summary
ErrorCodeConverter A SQLExceptionConverter implementation which performs converion based on the vendor specific ErrorCode.
ExceptionUtils Provides utilities for manipulating and examining Throwable objects.
JDBCExceptionHelper Implementation of JDBCExceptionHelper.
NestableDelegate A shared implementation of the nestable exception functionality.
SQLExceptionConverterFactory A factory for building SQLExceptionConverter instances.
SQLStateConverter A SQLExceptionConverter implementation which performs converion based on the underlying SQLState.
TemplatedViolatedConstraintNameExtracter Knows how to extract a violated constraint name from an error message based on the fact that the constraint name is templated within the message.

Exception Summary
ConstraintViolationException Implementation of JDBCException indicating that the requested DML operation resulted in a violation of a defined integrity constraint.
GenericJDBCException Generic, non-specific JDBCException.
JDBCConnectionException Implementation of JDBCConnectionException.
LockAcquisitionException Implementation of LockAcquisitionException.
NestableException The base class of all exceptions which can contain other exceptions.
NestableRuntimeException The base class of all runtime exceptions which can contain other exceptions.
SQLGrammarException Implementation of JDBCException indicating that the SQL sent to the database server was invalid (syntax error, invalid object references, etc).