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NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

Current properties for Term

	X exists
	* doesn't exist but should

// Inherited from Component:

Property Type get is  set bound Default Value
foreground Color X - X yes inherited
background Color X - X yes inherited

// Overrides Jcomponent:

Property Type get is  set bound Default Value
font (a) Font X - X yes "Monospaced" PLAIN 12

// Term:

// L&F
Property Type get is  set bound Default Value
rows int X - X - 25
columns int X - X - 80
sizeRounded boolean - X X - true
screen JComponent X - - -  
cursorCol int X - * - 0
cursorRow int X - * - 1
cursorCoord Coord X - * - (1, 0)
cursorVisible boolean - X X - true
attribute int * - X - 0
emulation String X - X - "ansi"
Interp Interp X - X - InterpANSI
tabSize int X - X - 8
glyphCellSize Dimension X - - -  
glyphGutterWidth int * - X - 0
glyphImage Image[] - - X - null
clickToType boolean - X X - false
selectionXOR boolean - X X - false
autoCopy boolean - X X - true
scrollOnInput boolean - X X - true
scrollOnOutput boolean - X X - true
trackCursor boolean - X X - true
readOnly boolean - X X - false
keyStrokeSet HashSet X - X - null
highlightColor Color X - X - usual swing color SHOULD rename to selectionColor?
selectedText String X - - -  
selectionExtent Extent X - X yes null
activeColor Color X - X - Color.lightGray
customColor Color[] - - X - black
reverseVideo boolean - X X - false
historySize (b) int X - X - 20
anchorEnabled boolean - X X - false
wordDelineator WordDelineator X - X -  
refreshEnabled boolean - X X - true
debugFlags int - - X - 0

// Missing:

Property Type get is  set bound Default Value
Scrolling boolean - X X - true
scrollBarSide LEFT/RIGHT X - X - RIGHT
allowProportionalFont boolean - X X - false

(a) Fonts are always forced to be "Monospaced".
(b) History refers to the number of lines kept that have scrolled _above_ the view. It does not include the visible lines.