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XML Tools API Changes by Date - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)


This document lists changes made to the XML tools APIs. Please ask on the dev@xml.netbeans.org or nbdev@netbeans.org mailing list if you have any questions about the details of a change, or are wondering how to convert existing code to be compatible. Ask there also for new backward compatible API enhancements.

Changes Listings

No incompatible changes following version "1.0" should be introduced.

Index of APIs

Incompatible changes by date

Fuller descriptions of all changes can be found below (follow links).

Not all deprecations are listed here, assuming that the deprecated APIs continue to essentially work. For a full deprecation list, please consult the Javadoc.

All changes by date

Changes by version

These API specification versions may be used to indicate that a module requires a certain API feature in order to function. For example, if you see here a feature you need which is labelled 1.20, your manifest should contain in its main attributes the line:

OpenIDE-Module-Module-Dependencies: org.netbeans.api.xml/1 > 1.20

Changes by affected class

Details of all changes by API and date

Cookies API

Cookie message made standalone and immutable.

Jun 5 '02; API spec. version: 0.8; made by: pkuzel
CookieObserver.Message static inner replaced by standalone CookieObserver class. New class is immutable.

Message structuring system improved.

May 23 '02; API spec. version: 0.5; made by: pkuzel
Discontinued to support subclassing based message structuring and replaced by new addDetail and getDetail methods. CookieObserver.Message turned into non-abstarct class. XMLProcessorMessage replaced by XMLProcessorDetail.

Cookie callback interface changed.

May 1 '02; API spec. version: 0.3; made by: pkuzel
CookieObserver and XMLProcessorMessage introduced.

Cookies SPI

DataObjectAdapters' methods don't throw IOException.

Jun 17 '02; API spec. version: 0.10; made by: lkramolis
DataObjectAdapters' methods inputSource and source do not throw IOException any more.

Cookie supports take more general arguments.

Jun 5 '02; API spec. version: 0.9; made by: pkuzel
All references to DataObject from support classes were replaced by InputSource or Source respectively. New class DataObjectAdapters was introduced to simplify providers.

Default message subclass replaced by default detail.

May 23 '02; API spec. version: 0.5; made by: pkuzel
DefaultXMLProcessorMessage replaced by DefaultXMLProcessorDetail.

Default implementation of XMLProcessorMessage provided.

May 1 '02; API spec. version: 0.3; made by: pkuzel
DafaultXMLProcessorMessage introduced.

XML tools API

First version and request for API/SPI review.

Apr 26 '02; API spec. version: 0.1; made by: pkuzel

Minimal XML tools API subset seems to be found. Asked API gurus and dev@openide.netbeans.orgcode> for its review.

The minimal subset consists of:

Parsers Integration API

SAXEntityParser method renamed.

May 27 '02; API spec. version: 0.6; made by: pkuzel
Method createInputSource renamed to wrapInputSource taking one parameter.

Cookie callback interface changed.

May 1 '02; API spec. version: 0.3; made by: pkuzel
ProcessorListener removed. It is moved to cookies as CookieObserver.

XML Services

UserCatalog context parameters removed

Jun 5 '02; API spec. version: 0.9; made by: pkuzel
It can be introduced anytime as getDefault(Lookup ctx) method. Now it is not needed, there are no clients until new projects scope lookups will be introduced.

UserCatalog contextualized.

May 31 '02; API spec. version: 0.7; made by: pkuzel
All methods of UserCatalog takes context parameter.

UsersCatalog renamed.

May 23 '02; API spec. version: 0.5; made by: pkuzel
Renamed UsersCatalog to UserCatalog as original name have not been understood as User's.

SourceResolver replaced by UsersCatalog

Apr 30 '02; API spec. version: 0.2; made by: pkuzel
SourceResolver was not well evolvable. UsersCatalog is a wrapper class consisting of set of methods each of them is by default implemented to indicate that its functionality is not provided by the default implementation.

XML Services SPI

UserCatalogProvider removed.

May 31 '02; API spec. version: 0.7; made by: pkuzel
It contained only JavaDoc that was invalidated by UserCatalog contextualization.

UsersCatalogProvider renamed.

May 23 '02; API spec. version: 0.5; made by: pkuzel
Renamed UsersCatalogProvider to UserCatalogProvider as original name have not been understood as User's.

SourceResolver replaced by UsersCatalog

Apr 30 '02; API spec. version: 0.2; made by: pkuzel
UsersCatalogProvider introduced to express what is role of SPI and what is client API.

Utilities SPI

AbstractUtil class removed.

Jul 19 '02; API spec. version: 1.0; made by: pkuzel
Removed class AbstractUtil because it was not XML specifics. It should go to some general utility API such us OpenIDE util.

AbstractUtil class introduced.

May 6 '02; API spec. version: 0.4; made by: lkramolis
Introduced new class AbstractUtil which is used just for debugging and string localizing purposes.