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Change History for the Dialogs API - NetBeans API Javadoc 5.5.0


What do the Dates Mean?

The supplied dates indicate when the API change was made, on the CVS trunk. From this you can generally tell whether the change should be present in a given build or not; for trunk builds, simply whether it was made before or after the change; for builds on a stabilization branch, whether the branch was made before or after the given date. In some cases corresponding API changes have been made both in the trunk and in an in-progress stabilization branch, if they were needed for a bug fix; this ought to be marked in this list.

Index of APIs

Incompatible changes by date

Fuller descriptions of all changes can be found below (follow links).

Not all deprecations are listed here, assuming that the deprecated APIs continue to essentially work. For a full deprecation list, please consult the Javadoc.

All changes by date

Changes by version

These API specification versions may be used to indicate that a module requires a certain API feature in order to function. For example, if you see here a feature you need which is labelled 1.20, your manifest should contain in its main attributes the line:

OpenIDE-Module-Module-Dependencies: org.openide.dialogs > 1.20

Changes by affected class





Details of all changes by API and date

Dialogs API

Interface AsynchronousInstantiatingIterator added

Dec 6 '05; API spec. version: 6.5; affected top-level classes: WizardDescriptor; made by: jrechtacek; issues: #62161
The AsynchronousInstantiatingIterator allows to implement asynchronous instantating of newly created objects. Wizard's framework esures that the method AsynchronousInstantiatingIterator.instantiate() will be called ouside of an event queue.

Interface AsynchronousValidationgPanel added

May 16 '05; API spec. version: 6.2; affected top-level classes: WizardDescriptor; made by: pkuzel; issues: #58530
The AsynchronousValidatingPanel allows to implement background validation that does not block UI thread. I.e. UI thread can be used to render validation progress.

Add method NotifyDescriptor.getDefaultValue()

Mar 28 '05; API spec. version: 5.9; affected top-level classes: NotifyDescriptor; made by: jrechtacek; issues: #56878
The NotifyDescriptor.getDefaultValue() returns object which represents the default value. This default value is introduced in the constructor of NotifyDescriptor.

Added paramater leaf to DialogDescriptor

Jan 8 '05; API spec. version: 5.5; affected top-level classes: DialogDescriptor; made by: jrechtacek

Added the parameter leaf in constructor of the DialogDescriptor. The parameter is not mandatory and can be set manually. If this parameter is false (as default), all works as before. If the parameter leaf is true, then a dialog which is created by this descriptor cannot own any other windows.

Added WizardDescriptor.getInstantiatedObjects

Jul 2 '04; API spec. version: 4.41; affected top-level classes: WizardDescriptor; made by: jrechtacek; issues: #44513
Added the new method Set getInstantiatedObjects. This method returns set of newly instantiated objects if the wizard has been correctly finished. The empty set is returned as default, if the wizard uses the InstantiatingIterator then returns a set of Object as same as InstantiatingIterator.instantiate() does. The method throws the exception IllegalStateException if this method is called on the unfinished wizard.

Made instantiating iterator

May 4 '04; API spec. version: 4.33; affected top-level classes: WizardDescriptor; made by: jrechtacek; issues: #42192
Added a special interface for a wizard that needs to controll instantiating new objects. This interface can replace TemplateWizard.Iterator in template's declaration. New WizardDescriptor.InstantiatingIterator extends WizardDescriptor.Iterator and contains the methods for initialize/uninitialize the iterator and the central method instantiate which returns a set on instantiated objects.

Allow dynamically enable/disable Finish button

Mar 29 '04; API spec. version: 4.28; affected top-level classes: WizardDescriptor; made by: jrechtacek; issues: #7706
Added a special interface for a panel that needs to dynamically enabled Finish button. This interface WizardDescriptor.FinishablePanel extends WizardDescriptor.Panel and adds a method isFinishPanel() which returns if Finish button could be enabled. WizardDescriptor.FinishPanel is now deprecated, the preferred way is using FinishablePanel instead.

Allow vetoable Next/Finish validation in wizard

Mar 29 '04; API spec. version: 4.28; affected top-level classes: WizardDescriptor WizardValidationException; made by: jrechtacek; issues: #23116
Added a special interface for panels that need to do additional validation when Next or Finish button is clicked. This interface WizardDescriptor.ValidatingPanel extends WizardDescriptor.Panel and adds a method validate() which is called when un user clicked Next or Finish button. If validation fails the wizard doesn't move to next panel nor finish, the WizardValidationException is thrown and it returns which component fails (in a wizard's panel) and provides a error message to notify the user about.

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