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Overview (NetBeans Debugger JPDA API) - NetBeans API Javadoc 5.5.0

org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda/2 2.4.22

NetBeans Debugger JPDA API

List of APIs: JPDADebuggerAPIJPDA Debugger API JPDADebuggerSPIJPDA Debugger SPI Meta-inf-debugger-netbeans-JPDASession-Java-org.netbeans.spi.debugger.jpda.JPDADebuggerDebugger View loads all model definitions. Meta-inf-debugger-netbeans-JPDASession-org.netbeans.spi.debugger.jpda.JPDADebuggerDebugger View loads all model definitions.


Debugger JPDA API
org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda JPDA Debugger APIs provide representation of JDI functionality.
org.netbeans.spi.debugger.jpda JPDA Debugger SPIs defines support for Smart Stepping, Variables Filterring and filterring of all Debugger Views.


List of APIs:

What is New (see all changes)?

Use Cases

UseCase I. - Install and use CPP debugger plug-in to NetBeans + Java Debugger.

CPP debugger plug-in installs support for debugging of some new language to the NetBeans IDE, and some new debugging engine. This implementation of debugger should share UI components (actions, Debugger Views, ...) with default NB Java Debugger. It should share basic debugger model too - notion of current context, current session, thread, call stack line, ...

CPP debugger plug-in installs:
  • New set of breakpoint types - CPPLineBreakpointType, CPPMethodBreakpointType...
    • This set of breakpoint types will have special cathegory in Add Breakpoint Dialog called "CPP". Each breakpoint type will install a new JPanel to Add Breakpoint Dialog.
    • ToggleBreakpointAction on CPP files will create / remove a instance of CPPLineBreakpointType.
  • Install some watches evaluator for CPP language.
  • Some new View to Debugger Window
  • Use Termilnal Emulator in Output Window as command line interface to CPP debugger plug-in.
  • Install / uninstall a columns to / from standard Debugger Window Views.
  • Redefine Nodes used for representation of CPP threads, watches, variables, callstacks, sessions and breakpoints
    • Add / remove some properties
    • Add / remove some actions
    • change icons
    • change display names
  • Register CPP Actions for:
    • Step Into, Over, Out, Continue, Pause, Start, Kill, Restart, Finish
  • Some new CPP specific actions.

UseCase II. - Install and use JSP debugger plug-in to NetBeans + Java Debugger.

JSP debugger plug-in installs support for debugging of some new language to the NetBeans Java Debugger. It does not contain a new debugger engine, but it delegates to standard NB Java debugger. So it does not depends on Debugger Core API only, but it depends on JavaDebugger API too.

JSP debugger plug-in installs:
  • New set of breakpoint types - JSPLineBreakpointType, ...
    • This set of breakpoint types will have special cathegory in Add Breakpoint Dialog called "JSP". Each breakpoint type will install a new JPanel to Add Breakpoint Dialog.
    • ToggleBreakpointAction on JSP files will create / remove a instance of JSPLineBreakpointType.
    • JSPLineBreakpointType delegates all functionality to JPDAClassBreakpoint and JPDALineBreakpoint
  • Some watches evaluator for JSP language expression. This evaluator delegates evaluation of Java expressions to standard JavaExpressionEvaluator.
  • Redefine Nodes used for representation of JSP callstacks and breakpoints
    • Add / remove some properties
    • Add / remove some actions
    • change icons
    • change display names
  • Register JSP Actions for:
    • Step Into, Over, Out
    • Implementation of this actions delegates to standard Java Step actions - it redefines Java stepping functionality.
  • JSP debugger plug in adds support for new programming language (JSP) to already running Java Session.

UseCase III. - Install and use J2EE debugger plug-in to NetBeans + Java Debugger.

J2EE debugger plug-in installs some enhancements to the standard Java Debugger. It does not contain a new debugger engine or language support. So it does not depends on Debugger Core API only, but it depends on JavaDebugger API too.

J2EE debugger plug-in installs:
  • New set of breakpoint types
  • Filter for Threads and Callstack Views. This filter should allow to:
    • Add / remove / modify nodes in this views.
  • Redefine Stepping (Smart Stepping) behaviour of default Java Debugger.
  • Some new View to Debugger Window

UseCase IV. - Install and use DBX debugger plug-in to NetBeans.

DBX debugger plug-in installs support for debugging of some new language (CPP) to the NetBeans IDE, and some new debugging engine. But it contains debugger engine for Java debugging too. DBX debugger engine has its own session management (or will have in the next versions). One debugger engine can manage more than one sessions. One engine supports debugging in more than one language.

Exported Interfaces

This table lists all of the module exported APIs with defined stability classifications. It is generated based on answers to questions about the architecture of the module. Read them all...
Group of java interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?

Group of lookup interfaces
Interface NameIn/OutStabilitySpecified in What Document?

Implementation Details

Where are the sources for the module?

The sources for the module are in NetBeans CVS in debuggerjpda/api directory.

What do other modules need to do to declare a dependency on this one?
OpenIDE-Module-Module-Dependencies: org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda/1

Read more about the implementation in the answers to architecture questions.

org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda/2 2.4.22

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.