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Chapter 16. Seam JSF controls - JBoss Seam 1.1.0 bate2 英文参考手册

Chapter 16. Seam JSF controls

Seam includes a number of JSF controls that are useful for working with Seam. These are intended to complement the built-in JSF controls, and controls from other third-party libraries. We recommend the Ajax4JSF and ADF faces (now Trinidad) tag libraries for use with Seam. We do not recommend the use of the Tomahawk tag library.


Validate a JSF input field against the bound property using Hibernate Validator.


Validate all child JSF input fields against the bound propertys using Hibernate Validator.


Perform date or time conversions in the Seam timezone.


"Decorate" a JSF input field when validation fails.


"Decorate" a JSF input field with the validation error message.


Render a HTML <span>.


Render a HTML <div>.


Cache the rendered page fragment using JBoss Cache. Note that <s:cache> actually uses the instance of JBoss Cache managed by the built-in pojoCache component.

  • key — the key to cache rendered content, often a value expression. For example, if we were caching a page fragment that displays a document, we might use key="Document-#{document.id}".

  • enabled — a value expression that determines if the cache should be used.

  • region — a JBoss Cache node to use (different nodes can have different expiry policies).


A link or button that supports invocation of an action with control over conversation propagation.

  • value — the label.

  • action — a method binding that specified the action listener.

  • view — the JSF view id to link to.

  • fragment — the fragment identifier to link to.

  • linkStyle — either link, the default, or button.

  • buttonClass — the css class for the button.

  • propagation — determines the conversation propagation style: begin, join, nest, none or end.

  • pageflow — a pageflow definition to begin. (This is only useful when propagation="begin" or propagation="join".)


Customize the conversation propagation for a command link or button (or similar JSF control). Facelets only.

  • propagation — determines the conversation propagation style: begin, join, nest, none or end.

  • pageflow — a pageflow definition to begin. (This is only useful when propagation="begin" or propagation="join".)


Add the conversation id to an output link (or similar JSF control). Facelets only.


Add the task id to an output link (or similar JSF control), when the task is available via #{task}. Facelets only.


Attach an action listener to an output link (or similar JSF control). Facelets only.

  • action — a method binding that specified the action listener.


Propagate the selected row of a DataModel with an output link (or similar JSF control). Facelets only.