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Chapter 10. Papers - JBoss RULES 3.0.6 manual 英文版使用指南文档

Chapter 10. Papers

10.1. Miss Manners and Benchmarking

10.1.1. Introduction

Miss Manners is throwing a party and being the good host she wants to arrange good seating. Her initial design arranges everyone in male female pairs, but then she worries about people have things to talk about; what is a good host to do? So she decides to note the hobby of each guest so she can then arrange guests in not only male and female pairs but also ensure that a guest has someone to talk about a common hobby, from either their left or right side.

Miss Manners' Guests

Figure 10.1. Miss Manners' Guests BenchMarking

5 benchmarks were established in the 1991 paper "Effects of Database Size on Rule System Performance: Five Case Studies" by Brant, Timothy Grose, Bernie Lofaso, & Daniel P. Miranker.

  • Manners

    • Uses a depth-first search approach to determine the seating arrangements of boy/girl and one common hobby for dinner guests

  • Waltz

    • line labelling for simple scenes by constraint propagation

  • WaltzDB

    • More general version of Walts to be able to adapt to a database of facts

  • ARP

    • Route planner for a robotic air vehicle using the A* search algorithm

  • Weavera

    • VLSI router for channels and boxes using a black-board technique

Manners has become the de facto rule engine benchmark; however it's behaviour is now well known and many engines optimise for this thus negating its usefulness as a benchmark which is why Waltz is becoming more favourable. These 5 benchmarks are also published at the University of Texas http://www.cs.utexas.edu/ftp/pub/ops5-benchmark-suite/. Miss Manners Execution Flow

After the first Seating arrangement has been assigned a depth-first recursion occurs which repeatedly assigns correct Seating arrangements until the last seat is assigned. Manners uses a Context instance to control execution flow; the activity diagram is partitioned to show the relation of the rule execution to the current Context state.

Manners Activity Diagram

Figure 10.2. Manners Activity Diagram The Data and Results

Before going deeper into the rules lets first take a look at the asserted data and the resulting Seating arrangement. The data is a simple set of 5 guests who should be arranged in male/female pairs with common hobbies.

The Data

Each line of the results list is printed per execution of the “Assign Seat” rule. They key bit to notice is that each line has pid one greater than the last, the significance of this will be explained in t he “Assign Seating” rule description. The 'l' and the 'r' refer to the left and right, 's' is sean and 'n' is the guest name. In my actual implementation I used longer notation, 'leftGuestName', but this is not practicle in a printed article. I found the notation of left and right preferable to the original OPS5 '1' and '2

(guest (name n1) (sex m) (hobby  h1)  )
(guest (name n2) (sex f) (hobby  h1)  )
(guest (name n2) (sex f) (hobby  h3)  )
(guest (name n3) (sex m) (hobby  h3)  )
(guest (name n4) (sex m) (hobby  h1)  )
(guest (name n4) (sex f) (hobby  h2)  )
(guest (name n4) (sex f) (hobby  h3)  )
(guest (name n5) (sex f) (hobby  h2)  )
(guest (name n5) (sex f) (hobby  h1)  )
(last_seat (seat 5)  )

The Results

[Seating id=1, pid=0, done=true, ls=1, ln=n5, rs=1, rn=n5] 
[Seating id=2, pid=1, done=false, ls=1, ln=n5, rs=2, rn=n4] 
[Seating id=3, pid=2, done=false, ls=2, ln=n4, rs=3, rn=n3] 
[Seating id=4, pid=3, done=false, ls=3, rn=n3, rs=4, rn=n2] 
[Seating id=5, pid=4, done=false, ls=4, ln=n2, rs=5, rn=n1]

10.1.2. Indepth look Conflict Resolution

As the introduction states, manners is a depth-first or LIFO example. Depth-first refers to the Conflict Resolution strategy used to solve the problem. OPS5 had two strategies, LEX and MEA, LEX is a chain of several stratagies including Salience, Recency, Complexity:


Every fact and instance is marked internally with a “time tag” toindicate its relative recency with respect to every other fact and instance in the system. The pattern entities associated with each rule activation are sorted in descending order for determining placement. An activation with a more recent pattern entities is placed before activations with less recent pattern entities. To determine the placement order of two activations, compare the sorted time tags of the two activations one by one starting with the largest time tags. The comparison should continue until one activation’s time tag is greater than the other activation’s corresponding time tag. The activation with the greater time tag is placed before the other activation on the agenda. If one activation has more pattern entities than the other activation and the compared time tags are all identical, then the activation with more time tags is placed before the other activation on the agenda.

 --Clips Reference Manual

Clips is able to specify the LEX and MEA strategies as well as others, however the default is a Depth strategy which is implemented from the LEX Recency strategy:


Newly activated rules are placed above all rules of the same salience. For example, given that fact-a activates rule-1 and rule-2 and fact-b activates rule-3 and rule-4, then if fact-a is asserted before fact-b, rule-3 and rule-4 will be above rule-1 and rule-2 on the agenda. However, the position of rule-1 relative to rule-2 and rule-3 relative to rule-4 will be arbitrary.

 --Clips Reference Manual

Jess only has two strategies, Depth and Breadth, which are documented the same as the Clips ones. When Miss Manners was first implemented in Drools 3.0 using the Depth strategy it was not producing the correct result, which meant it ran forever. This paper discusses the behaviour of Miss Manners with two Rule engines, Clips and Jess, and how they make it work and how it was made to work in Drools. Assign First Seat

Once the context is changed to START_UP Activations are created for all asserted Guests; because all Activations are created as the result of a single Working Memory action, they all have the same Activation time tag. Using the Depth, or Breadth, Conflict Resolution strategy the Activations would be fired arbitrary. With LEX's Recency the last asserted Guest would have a higher time tag and its Activation would fire. The execution order in this rule has little importance, but has a big impact in the rule "Assign Seat". The Activation fires and asserts the first Seating arrangement, a Path and then sets the Context's state to create Activatiosn for "Assign Seat".

rule assignFirstSeat() {
  when {
    context : Context( state == Context.START_UP )
    guest : Guest()
    count : Count()
  } then {
    String guestName = guest.getName();
    drools.assert( new Seating( count.getValue(), 1, true, 1, guestName, 1, guestName) );
    drools.assert( new Path( count.getValue(), 1, guestName ) );
    count.setCount(  count.getValue() + 1 );
    context.setPath( Context.ASSIGN_SEATS );
} Assign Seat

This rule determines each of the Seating arrangements. The Rule creates cross product solutions for ALL asserted Seating arrangements against ALL the asserted guests; accept against itself or any already assigned Chosen solutions.

rule assignSeat() {  
  when {
    context : Context( state == Context.ASSIGN_SEATS )
    Seating( seatingId:id, seatingPid:pid, pathDone == true 
    seatingRightSeat:rightSeat seatingRightGuestName:rightGuestName )
    Guest( name == seatingRightGuestName, rightGuestSex:sex, rightGuestHobby:hobby )
    Guest( leftGuestName:name , sex != rightGuestSex, hobby == rightGuestHobby )
    count : Count()
    not ( Path( id == seatingId, guestName == leftGuestName) )
    not ( Chosen( id == seatingId, guestName == leftGuestName, hobby == rightGuestHobby) )
  } then {
    int newSeat = rightSeat + 1;
    drools.assert( new Seating( countValue, id, false, coung.getValue(), rightSeat, rightSeatName, newSeat, leftGuestName);
    drools.assert( new Path( countValue, leftGuestName, newSeat );
    drools.assert( new Chosen( id, leftGuestName, rightGuestHobby ) );
    count.setCount(  countValue + 1 );
    context.setPath( Context.MAKE_PATH );

However, as can be seen from the printed results shown earlier, it is essential that only the Seating with the highest pid cross product be chosen – yet how can this be possible if we have Activations for nearly all existing Seating and Guests. For example on the third iteration of "Assing Seat" these are the produced Activations, remember this is from a very small data set and with larger data sets there would be many more possible Activated Seating solutions, with multiple solutions per pid:

=>[ActivationCreated(35): rule=findSeating 
[fid:19:33]:[Seating id=3, pid=2, done=true, ls=2, ln=n4, rs=3, rn=n3] 
[fid:4:4]:[Guest name=n3, sex=m, hobbies=h3] 
[fid:3:3]:[Guest name=n2, sex=f, hobbies=h3]

=>[ActivationCreated(35): rule=findSeating 
[fid:15:23]:[Seating id=2, pid=1, done=true, ls=1, ln=n5, rs=2, rn=n4] 
[fid:5:5]:[Guest name=n4, sex=m, hobbies=h1] 
[fid:2:2]:[Guest name=n2, sex=f, hobbies=h1] 

=>[ActivationCreated(35): rule=findSeating 
[fid:13:13]:[Seating id=1, pid=0, done=true, ls=1, ln=n5, rs=1, rn=n5] 
[fid:9:9]:[Guest name=n5, sex=f, hobbies=h1] 
[fid:1:1]:[Guest name=n1, sex=m, hobbies=h1]

The creation of all these redundant Activations might seem pointless, but it must be remembered that Manners is not about good rule design; its purposefully designed as a bad rule to full stress test the cross product matching process, which this clearly does. Notice that each Activation has the same time tag of 35, as they were all activated by the change in Context to ASSIGN_SEATS. With OPS5 and LEX it would correctly fire the Activation with the last asserted Seating. With Depth strategy the execution is arbitrary yet Manners does correctly execute for Jess and Clips using the Depth strategy. Clips support, via the public fourms, have said that Manners was


The default conflict resolution strategy for CLIPS, depth, is different than the default conflict resolution strategy used by OPS5. Therefore if you directly translate an OPS5 program to CLIPS, but use the default depth conflict resolution strategy, you're only likely to get the correct behavior by coincidence. The lex and mea conflict resolution strategies are provided in CLIPS to allow you to quickly convert and correctly run an OPS5 program in CLIPS

 --Clips Support Forum

Early Drools 3.0 implementations, implementing Depth, would not work as all the Activations had the same priority and the reliance on arbitrary execution meant that Seatings with lower pids where firing. A LEX style recency strategy was implemented and the benchmark worked correctly. This leaves the question how does Jess and Clips work, even if it is by coincidence. While I haven’t looked at Jess or Clips code Peter Lin has confirmed that Clips uses LinkedLists for the memory, as shown by the next* property from the PartialMatch Clips struct:

struct partialMatch
   unsigned int betaMemory  : 1;
   unsigned int busy        : 1;
   unsigned int activationf : 1;
   unsigned int dependentsf : 1;
   unsigned int notOriginf  : 1;
   unsigned int counterf    : 1;
   unsigned int bcount      : 9;
   struct partialMatch *next;
   struct genericMatch binds[1];

This suggests the joins remember and attempt joins based on the fact assertion order into the node; thus Activation firing would follow fact assertion order. When Manners is executed in Clips with the Breadth strategy other than executing forever, explained in the next section, it also does not fire the Activation with the highest pid for Seating instances and thus solutions are never found. This indicates that the order the Activations with the same time tag are placed on the Agenda are still executed in LIFO/FIFO order. Later versions of Drools have moved away from HashMaps for BetaNode memory and reliance on LEX style recency and instead use LinkedLists relying on assertion order to control LIFO - in much the same manner as Clips. So in Drools Manners works, but it works by coincidence, this level of behaviour should not be expected by the user. It is still unknown how Jess deals with this situation, Peter Lin believes that Jess may have some simple and undocumented fact recency solution. Make Path and Path Done

Make Path must always fires before Path Done. A Path is asserted for each Seating arrangement up to the last asserted Seating. Notice that Path Done is a subset of Make Path, so how do we ensure that Make Path fires first?

rule makePath() {
  when {
    context : Context( state == Context.MAKE_PATH )
    Seating( seatingId:id, seatingPid:pid, pathDone == false )
    Path( id == seatingPid, pathGuestName:guest, pathSeat:seat )
    (not Path( id == seatingId, guestName == pathGuestName )
  } else {
    drools.assert( new Path( seatingId, pathSeat, pathGuestName ) );  
rule pathDone() { 
  when { 
    context : Context( state == Context.MAKE_PATH ) 
    seating : Seating( pathDone == false ) 
  } then { 
    seating.setPathDone( true ); 
    context.setName( Context.CHECK_DONE ); 
Rete Diagram

Figure 10.3. Rete Diagram

With OPS5 LEX the recency strategy says that if all compared facts have the same time tag then the activation with more facts wins; which would make sure that "Make Path" always fires before "Path Done". Clips succesfully completes manners, no matter what the defined order of the rules are in the rule file. If a system is not relying on recency and the rule definition order does not impact execution then the Rete build process must attach joins in such a way that propagation ensures that most complex rules activate last - a kind of inbuilt compexity strategy, however this is not documented; thus with LIFO the first created Activation will fire last. When manners is executed in CLIPS with breadth strategy, it may result in an infinite loop if path_done is fired before make_path activations. This is because path_done modifies the context and removes the activations for make_path rule. For proper execution of manners, the activations for make_path have to fire before path_done. This again illustrates that the arbitrary execution for activations placed on the Agenda obey the set LIFO/FIFO strategy. Continue and Are We Done

"Are We Done" only activates when the last seat is assigned, at which point both rules will be activated. For the same reason that "Make Path" always wins over "Path Done" "Are We Done" will take priority over "Continue".

 rule areWeDone() { 
  when { 
    context : Context( state == Context.CHECK_DONE ) 
    LastSeat( lastSeat: seat )
    Seating( rightSeat == lastSeat ) 
  } then { 
    context.setState(Context.PRINT_RESULTS ); 
rule continue() { 
  Context context; 
  when { 
    context : Context( state == Context.CHECK_DONE ) 
  } then { 
    context.setState( Context.ASSIGN_SEATS ); 

10.1.3. Conclusion

What have we learned from this? That Manners was designed to run with OPS5 Recency and that if works with Jess or Clips under Depth then from a user point of view it should be considered purely coincidence - even if the design was by developers intent. As long as manners does complete with the correct output it will always provide a good stress test for the join nodes; however the Agenda Conflict Resolution will only be tested if a fact based Recency type strategy is used. there are known cheats to Miss:

  • Using arrays for a guests hobbies, instead of asserting each one as a single fact. This massively reduces the cross products.

  • The altering of the sequence of data can also reducing the amount of matching increase execution speed

  • Changing NOT CE (conditional element) such that the test algorithm only uses the "first-best-match". Basically, changing the test algorithm to backward chaining. the results are only comparable to other backward chaining rule engines or ports of Manners.

  • Removing the context so the rule engine matches the guests and seats pre-maturely. A proper port will prevent facts from matching using the context start.

  • Any change which prevents the rule engine from performing combinatorial pattern matching

  • If no facts are retracted in the reasoning cycle, as a result of NOT CE, the port is incorrect.

All the above are external optimisations, so easily detected and the results made void. However its also possible to optimise internally; this can be sean from the Leaps algorithm; which Drools has an expiremental implementation of. Manners is brute force stress test of the cross product speed of various joins. Leaps avoid full cross product testing by only attempting the leading join, so where as Rete would create hundreds of Activations leaps only creates one - this gives orders of magnitudes speed increases. Modern Rete based Rule Engines are starting to analyse networks and apply this type of optimisation, whether its a leaps style lazy evaluation or a pre-compilation optimisation to avoid erroneous joins. Drools ReteOO does not currently make these types of optimisations although pre-compilation optimisations will be researched in the next release. These optimisations have made the Miss Manners benchmark redundant and the results form a system that optimises in this manner should be considered void. This view is also put forward by James Own who publishes the 2000-2005 Benchmarks, http://www.kbsc.com/Performance2000-2005.xls:


Due to significant advances in BRMS engines, the 2000 - 2005 Benchmarks will change significantly for 2006 and beyond. For example, Miss Manners and Waltz 50 will be dropped and we will examine all engines (at this time) using only Waltz DB and a yet to be determined sequential benchmark that probably will not use the Rete Algorithm.

 --James Own, 2000-2005 Benchmarks, Knowledge-Based Systems Corporation

10.1.4. Output Summary

Assign First seat
=>[fid:13:13]:[Seating id=1, pid=0, done=true, ls=1, ln=n5, rs=1, rn=n5]
=>[fid:14:14]:[Path id=1, seat=1, guest=n5]

==>[ActivationCreated(16): rule=findSeating
[fid:13:13]:[Seating id=1, pid=0, done=true, ls=1, ln=n5, rs=1, rn=n5]
[fid:9:9]:[Guest name=n5, sex=f, hobbies=h1]
[fid:1:1]:[Guest name=n1, sex=m, hobbies=h1]

==>[ActivationCreated(16): rule=findSeating
[fid:13:13]:[Seating id=1 , pid=0, done=true, ls=1, ln=n5, rs=1, rn=n5]
[fid:9:9]:[Guest name=n5, sex=f, hobbies=h1]
[fid:5:5]:[Guest name=n4, sex=m, hobbies=h1]*

Assign Seating
=>[fid:15:17] :[Seating id=2 , pid=1 , done=false, ls=1, lg=n5, rs=2, rn=n4]
=>[fid:16:18]:[Path id=2, seat=2, guest=n4]
=>[fid:17:19]:[Chosen id=1, name=n4, hobbies=h1]

=>[ActivationCreated(21): rule=makePath 
[fid:15:17] : [Seating id=2, pid=1, done=false, ls=1, ln=n5, rs=2, rn=n4]
[fid:14:14] : [Path id=1, seat=1, guest=n5]*

==>[ActivationCreated(21): rule=pathDone
[Seating id=2, pid=1, done=false, ls=1, ln=n5, rs=2, rn=n4]*

Make Path
=>[fid:18:22:[Path id=2, seat=1, guest=n5]]

Path Done

Continue Process
=>[ActivationCreated(25): rule=findSeating
[fid:15:23]:[Seating id=2, pid=1, done=true, ls=1, ln=n5, rs=2, rn=n4]
[fid:7:7]:[Guest name=n4, sex=f, hobbies=h3]
[fid:4:4] : [Guest name=n3, sex=m, hobbies=h3]*

=>[ActivationCreated(25): rule=findSeating
[fid:15:23]:[Seating id=2, pid=1, done=true, ls=1, ln=n5, rs=2, rn=n4]
[fid:5:5]:[Guest name=n4, sex=m, hobbies=h1]
[fid:2:2]:[Guest name=n2, sex=f, hobbies=h1], [fid:12:20] : [Count value=3]

=>[ActivationCreated(25): rule=findSeating
[fid:13:13]:[Seating id=1, pid=0, done=true, ls=1, ln=n5, rs=1, rn=n5]
[fid:9:9]:[Guest name=n5, sex=f, hobbies=h1]
[fid:1:1]:[Guest name=n1, sex=m, hobbies=h1]

Assign Seating
=>[fid:19:26]:[Seating id=3, pid=2, done=false, ls=2, lnn4, rs=3, rn=n3]]
=>[fid:20:27]:[Path id=3, seat=3, guest=n3]]
=>[fid:21:28]:[Chosen id=2, name=n3, hobbies=h3}]

=>[ActivationCreated(30): rule=makePath
[fid:19:26]:[Seating id=3, pid=2, done=false, ls=2, ln=n4, rs=3, rn=n3]
[fid:18:22]:[Path id=2, seat=1, guest=n5]*

=>[ActivationCreated(30): rule=makePath 
[fid:19:26]:[Seating id=3, pid=2, done=false, ls=2, ln=n4, rs=3, rn=n3]
[fid:16:18]:[Path id=2, seat=2, guest=n4]*

=>[ActivationCreated(30): rule=done 
[fid:19:26]:[Seating id=3, pid=2, done=false, ls=2, ln=n4, rs=3, rn=n3]*

Make Path
=>[fid:22:31]:[Path id=3, seat=1, guest=n5]

Make Path 
=>[fid:23:32] [Path id=3, seat=2, guest=n4]

Path Done

Continue Processing
=>[ActivationCreated(35): rule=findSeating
[fid:19:33]:[Seating id=3, pid=2, done=true, ls=2, ln=n4, rs=3, rn=n3]
[fid:4:4]:[Guest name=n3, sex=m, hobbies=h3]
[fid:3:3]:[Guest name=n2, sex=f, hobbies=h3], [fid:12:29]*

=>[ActivationCreated(35): rule=findSeating 
[fid:15:23]:[Seating id=2, pid=1, done=true, ls=1, ln=n5, rs=2, rn=n4] 
[fid:5:5]:[Guest name=n4, sex=m, hobbies=h1]
[fid:2:2]:[Guest name=n2, sex=f, hobbies=h1]

=>[ActivationCreated(35): rule=findSeating 
[fid:13:13]:[Seating id=1, pid=0, done=true, ls=1, ln=n5, rs=1, rn=n5] 
[fid:9:9]:[Guest name=n5, sex=f, hobbies=h1], [fid:1:1] : [Guest name=n1, sex=m, hobbies=h1]

Assign Seating
=>[fid:24:36]:[Seating id=4, pid=3, done=false, ls=3, ln=n3, rs=4, rn=n2]]
=>[fid:25:37]:[Path id=4, seat=4, guest=n2]]
=>[fid:26:38]:[Chosen id=3, name=n2, hobbies=h3]

==>[ActivationCreated(40): rule=makePath 
[fid:24:36]:[Seating id=4, pid=3, done=false, ls=3, ln=n3, rs=4, rn=n2]
[fid:23:32]:[Path id=3, seat=2, guest=n4]*

==>[ActivationCreated(40): rule=makePath 
[fid:24:36]:[Seating id=4, pid=3, done=false, ls=3, ln=n3, rs=4, rn=n2] 
[fid:20:27]:[Path id=3, seat=3, guest=n3]*

=>[ActivationCreated(40): rule=makePath 
[fid:24:36]:[Seating id=4, pid=3, done=false, ls=3, ln=n3, rs=4, rn=n2]
[fid:22:31]:[Path id=3, seat=1, guest=n5]*

=>[ActivationCreated(40): rule=done 
[fid:24:36]:[Seating id=4, pid=3, done=false, ls=3, ln=n3, rs=4, rn=n2]*

Make Path 
=>fid:27:41:[Path id=4, seat=2, guest=n4]

Make Path
=>fid:28:42]:[Path id=4, seat=1, guest=n5]]

Make Path
=>fid:29:43]:[Path id=4, seat=3, guest=n3]]

Path Done

Continue  Processing
=>[ActivationCreated(46): rule=findSeating 
[fid:15:23]:[Seating id=2, pid=1, done=true, ls=1, ln=n5, rs=2, rn=n4] 
[fid:5:5]:[Guest name=n4, sex=m, hobbies=h1], [fid:2:2]
[Guest name=n2, sex=f, hobbies=h1]

=>[ActivationCreated(46): rule=findSeating 
[fid:24:44]:[Seating id=4, pid=3, done=true, ls=3, ln=n3, rs=4, rn=n2]
[fid:2:2]:[Guest name=n2, sex=f, hobbies=h1]
[fid:1:1]:[Guest name=n1, sex=m, hobbies=h1]*

=>[ActivationCreated(46): rule=findSeating 
[fid:13:13]:[Seating id=1, pid=0, done=true, ls=1, ln=n5, rs=1, rn=n5]
[fid:9:9]:[Guest name=n5, sex=f, hobbies=h1]
[fid:1:1]:[Guest name=n1, sex=m, hobbies=h1]

Assign Seating
=>[fid:30:47]:[Seating id=5, pid=4, done=false, ls=4, ln=n2, rs=5, rn=n1]
=>[fid:31:48]:[Path id=5, seat=5, guest=n1]
=>[fid:32:49]:[Chosen id=4, name=n1, hobbies=h1]