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Chapter 7. Portal urls - JBoss Portal 2.6 Reference Guide 英文版参考指南文档

Chapter 7. Portal urls

Julien Viet

Thomas Heute

Roy Russo

7.1. Introduction

Most of the time portals use very complicated urls, however it is possible to setup entry points in the portal that follow simple patterns.

Each portal container can contain multiple portals and within a given portal, windows are organized in pages, a page simply being a collection of windows associated to a name.

Before reading this chapter you must know how to define a page and a portal, you can refer to the chapter about XML descriptors to have a better understanding of those notions.

7.2. Acessing a portal

Each portal container can contains multiple portals, also there is one special portal which is the default portal, i.e the one used when no portal is specified in particular.

  • "/", will point to the default page of the default portal.
  • "/portal/portalname/" will point to the default page of the portal portalname

7.3. Accessing a page

It is possible to have multiple pages per portal. As for portal there is a default page for a given portal. Once the portal has been selected, then a page must be used and all the windows present in that page will be rendered. The page selection mechanism is the following.

  • "/portal/default/pageName" will render the pageName page.

7.4. Accessing CMS Content

The CMSPortlet delivers content transparently, without modifying the url displayed. However, if you wish to deliver binary content (gif, jpeg, pdf, zip, etc...), it is desirable to display this content outside of the confines of the portal.

  • "/content/default/images/jboss_logo.gif" will display the jboss_logo.gif outside of the portal. This is accomplished as the portal interprets any path beginning with /content as a request for CMS content. As long as the mime-type is not text/html or text/text, it will be rendered independant of the portal.