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Chapter 1. System Requirements - JBoss Portal 2.4 Reference Guide 英文版参考指南文档

Chapter 1. System Requirements

Thomas Heute

Roy Russo

A list of tested versions or reported as working by users, before reporting a problem please make sure that you are using a compatible version.

If you successfully installed JBoss Portal on versions not listed here please let us know so we can add it here.

1.1. Minimum System Requirements

  • JDK 1.4 or higher (1.4.2 is recommended)
  • 512 MB RAM
  • 50 MB hard disk space
  • 400 MHz CPU

1.2. Supported Operating Systems

JBoss Portal is 100% pure Java and therefore interoperable with most operating systems capable of running a Java Virtual Machine (JVM); including Windows, UNIX, and Linux.

1.3. JBoss Application Server

JBoss Portal only works with JBoss Application Server.


Currently we recommend using JBoss AS 4.0.4.GA, or greater. Previous versions of JBoss Application Server are not supported with JBoss Portal 2.4

1.4. Database

JBoss Portal is Database-Agnostic.


JBoss Portal employs Hibernate as an interface to RDBMS. Most RDBMS supported by Hibernate will work with JBoss Portal.

The following list, outlines known-to-be-working database vendor and version combinations:

  • MySQL 4.x.x (along with the connector 3.0.16)
  • MySQL 5 ( known issue )
  • PostgreSQL 8.x
  • HypersonicSQL
  • Derby
  • Oracle 9 and 10g
  • MaxDB

1.5. Source building

The source building mechanism works on Windows, Linux, MacOS X and any 'Unix like' operating system.