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Java Object Serialization Specification: - - JDK 5 Documentation v6.0, Java 2 SDK 英文文档

CONTENTS | PREV | NEXT Java Object Serialization Specification
version 6.0

Change History

May 12, 2005 Updates for JavaTM SE Development Kit, v6 Beta 1

  • Added statement about how an array object returned by a readResolve invocation for an unshared read is handled.
  • Clarified the behavior in the event of an invalid serialPersistentFields value.
  • Clarified that serialVersionUID matching is waived for array classes.
  • Clarified when IllegalArgumentException is thrown by ObjectOutputStream.PutFields methods.

July 24, 2003 Updates for JavaTM 2 SDK, Standard Edition, v1.5 Beta 1

Aug. 16, 2001 Updates for JavaTM 2 SDK, Standard Edition, v1.4 Beta 2

July 30, 1999 Updates for JavaTM 2 SDK, Standard Edition, v1.3 Beta

Sept. 30, 1998 Updates for JDKTM 1.2 Beta4 RC1

  • Documentation corrections only.

June 22, 1998 Updates for JDKTM 1.2 Beta4

Feb. 6, 1998 Updates for JDKTM 1.2 Beta 3

  • Introduced the concept of STREAM_PROTOCOL versions. Added the STREAM_PROTOCOL_2 version to indicate a new format for Externalizable objects that enable skipping by an Externalizable object within the stream, even when the object's class is not available in the local Virtual Machine. Compatibility issues are discussed in Section 6.3, "Stream Protocol Versions."
  • The ObjectInputStream.resolveClass method can return a local class in a different package than the name of the class within the stream. This capability enables renaming of packages between releases. The serialVersionUID and the base class name must be the same in the stream and in the local version of the class. See Section 3.1, "The ObjectInputStream Class."
  • Allow substitution of String or array objects when writing them to or reading them from the stream. See Section 2.1, "The ObjectOutputStream Class" and Section 3.1, "The ObjectInputStream Class."

Sept. 4, 1997 Updates for JDKTM 1.2 Beta1

  • Separated the Replaceable interface into two interfaces: Replaceable and Resolvable. The Replaceable interface allows a class to nominate its own replacement just before serializing the object to the stream. The Resolvable interface allows a class to nominate its own replacement when reading an object from the stream.
  • Modified serialization to use the JDKTM 1.2 security model. There is a check for SerializablePermission "enableSubstitution" within the ObjectInputStream.enableReplace and ObjectOutputStream.enableResolve methods. See Section 2.1, "The ObjectOutputStream Class" and Section 3.1, "The ObjectInputStream Class."
  • Updated writeObject's exception handler to write handled IOExceptions into the stream. See Section 2.1, "The ObjectOutputStream Class."

July 3, 1997 Updates for JDKTM 1.2 Alpha

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