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JDK 5 Documentation v1.4.0, Java 2 SDK 英文文档
Keystroke Mappings: Java L&F - JDK 5 Documentation v1.4.0, Java 2 SDK 英文文档
This page gives the Java Look and Feel keystroke-actions for:
The Applet Component
Standard Components
Structured Components
Menu, Toolbar, and Tooltip Components
Text Components
Containers: Frames, Windows, Panes, and Icons
NOTE: The following is a table in text form. The format of the table is as follows:
Action1 | Key Sequence1
Action2 | Key Sequence2
Previous versions of this material also contained an "Implemented" column. In order to
simplify, and keep this information current, this column has been omitted. If
you identify keyboard bindings that are not working, please file them as bug reports so that they
may be addressed and repaired.
The Applet Component
JApplet (Java L&F)
Navigate out forward | Tab
Navigate out forward | Ctrl+Tab
Navigate out backward | Shift+Tab
Navigate out backward | Shift+Ctrl+Tab
Activate the default button (if defined) | Enter
Standard Components
JButton (Java L&F)
Navigate forward | Tab
Navigate backward | Shift+Tab
Activate Default | Enter
Activate Any | Spacebar
Activate Any | Alt+Char accelerator key, if defined
Activate Cancel or Close | Esc
JCheckBox (Java L&F)
Navigate forward | Tab
Navigate backward | Shift+Tab
Navigate within group | Arrow Keys
Check/Uncheck | Spacebar
JRadioButton (Java L&F)
Navigate forward | Tab
Navigate backward | Shift+Tab
Navigate within group | Arrow Keys
NOTE: Navigating to a radio button selects it.
Check/Uncheck | Spacebar
JToggleButton (Java L&F)
Navigate forward | Tab
Navigate backward | Shift+Tab
Navigate within group | Arrow Keys
Check/Uncheck | Spacebar
JComboBox (Java L&F)
Navigate out forward | Tab
Navigate out backward | Shift+Tab
Post menu | Alt+Down
Retract menu | Esc
Retract menu | Alt+Up
Toggle menu up or down | Alt+Up/Down
Activate menuitem | Enter
Jump to menuitem without selecting it | Initial Char of Item
Move up or down | Up, Down
NOTE A: For other navigation keys, please see JList.
NOTE B: For more information on Edit Field, please see JTextField.
JList (Java L&F)
Navigate out forward | Tab
Navigate out backward | Shift+Tab
Activate selection | Enter
Move within list | Up, Down
Move to beginning of list | Ctrl+Home
Move to end of list | Ctrl+End
Select all entries | Ctrl+A
Make a selection | Spacebar
NOTE: This will deselect previous selection
Select an additional item | Ctrl+Spacebar
Range select | Shift+Spacebar
Extend selection up | Shift+Up
Extend selection down | Shift+Down
Extend selection to top | Shift+Home
Extend selection to end | Shift+End
Block extend up | Shift+PgUp
Block extend down | Shift+PgDn
Block move | PgUp, PgDn
JSlider (Java L&F)
Navigate out forward | Tab
Navigate out backward | Shift+Tab
Increase value | Up, Right
Decrease value | Left, Down
Minimum value | Home
Maximum value | End
Block increase | PgUp
Block decrease | PgDn
Structured Components
JTable (Java L&F)
Navigate out forward | Tab
Navigate out forward | Ctrl+Tab
Navigate out backward | Shift+Tab
Navigate out backward | Ctrl+Shift+Tab
Move to next cell | Tab
Move to next cell | Right Arrow
Move to previous cell | Shift+Tab
Move to previous cell | Left Arrow
Wrap to next row | Tab
Wrap to next row | Right Arrow
Wrap to previous row | Shift+Tab or Left
Wrap to previous row | Shift+Tab or Left
Block move vertical | PgUp, PgDn
Block move left | Ctrl+PgUp
Block move right | Ctrl+PgDn
Block extend vertical | Shift+PgUp/PgDn
Block extend left | Ctrl+Shift+PgUp
Block extend right | Ctrl+Shift+PgDn
Move to first cell in row | Home
Move to last cell in row | End
Move to first cell in table | Ctrl+Home
Move to last cell in table | Ctrl+End
Select all cells | Ctrl+A
Deselect current selection | Up/Down Arrow
Deselect current selection | Ctrl+Up/Down Arrow
Deselect current selection | Pgup/Pgdn
Deselect current selection | Ctrl+Pgup/Pgdn
Deselect current selection | Home/End
Deselect current selection | Ctrl+Home/End
Extend selection one row | Shift+Up/Down
Extend selection one column | Shift+Left/Right
Extend selection to beginning/end of row | Shift+Home/End
Extend selection to beginning/end of column | Ctrl+Shift+Home/End
Edit cell without overriding current contents | F2
Reset cell content prior to editing | Esc
JTree (Java L&F)
Navigate out forward | Tab
Navigate out backward | Shift+Tab
Expand entry | Right
Collapse entry | Left
Toggle expand/collapse for entry | Enter
Move up/down one entry | Up, Down
Move to first entry | Home
Move to last visible entry | End
Block move vertical | PgUp, PgDn
Block move left | Ctrl+PgUp
Block move right | Ctrl+PgDn
Block extend vertical | Shift+PgUp, Shift+PgDn
Select all | Ctrl+A
Select all | Ctrl+Slash
Deselect all | Ctrl+\
Single select | Ctrl+Spacebar
Range-select | Shift+Spacebar
Extend selection up | Shift+Up
Extend selection down | Shift+Down
Extend selection to start of data | Shift+Home
Extend selection to end of data | Shift+End
Menu, Toolbar, and ToolTip Components
JMenuBar (Java L&F)
Jump to menubar | Alt
Navigate out | Esc
Navigate out | Alt
Navigate between items within menu | Arrow keys
Select first item (if no item selected) | F10
Select next item | Right
Select previous item | Left
Select default or selected item | Enter
Post menu | Up, Down
Post menu | Enter
Post menu | Spacebar
Post menu | Alt+Char accelerator key, if defined
Un-post menu | Esc
Un-post menu | Alt
JMenu (Java L&F)
Post menu | Enter
Post menu | F10
Post submenu | Right
Move to next item (wrap to top) | Down
Move to previous item (wrap to bottom) | Up
Retract menu | Esc
Retract submenu | Left
Activate default or selected item | Enter
JMenuItem (Java L&F)
Navigate in | Arrow keys
Navigate out | Arrow keys
Activate item | Enter
Activate item | Spacebar
Activate item | Alt+Char accelerator key, if defined
Post submenu | Right
Retract submenu | Left
Retract submenu | Esc
JCheckBoxMenuItem (Java L&F)
Navigate in | Arrow keys
Navigate out | Arrow keys
Check/Uncheck item and retract menu | Enter
JRadioButtonMenuItem (Java L&F)
Navigate in | Arrow keys
Navigate out | Arrow keys
Check/Uncheck item and retract menu | Enter
JPopupMenu (Java L&F)
Post menu | Shift+F10
Post submenu | Right
Close submenu | Left
Retract menu | Esc
Move within menu | Up, Down
Activate entry | Enter
Activate entry | Spacebar
JToolBar (Java L&F)
Navigate out forward | Tab
Navigate out backward | Shift+Tab
Navigate within | Arrow Keys
Activate item | Enter
JToolTip (Java L&F)
Post tip | Ctrl+F1
Retract tip | Esc
Retract tip | Ctrl+F1
Text Components
JTextField (Java L&F)
Navigate in | Alt+Char accelerator key, if defined
Navigate out forward | Tab
Navigate out backward | Shift+Tab
Move to prev/next char | Left, Right
Move to prev/next word | Ctrl+Left, Ctrl+Right
Move to start/end of field | Home/End
Submit entry | Enter
Select all | Ctrl+A
Deselect all | arrow keys
Extend selection left/right | Shift+Left, Shift+Right
Extend selection to start/end | Shift+Home, Shift+End
Extend selection to prev/next word | Ctrl+Shift+Left, Ctrl+Shift+Right
Copy selection | Ctrl+C
Cut selection | Ctrl+X
Paste from clipboard | Ctrl+V
Delete next character | Delete
Delete previous character | Backspace
JPasswordField (Java L&F)
NOTE A: for information on how to navigate/move within the field, and make selections,
please see JTextField.
JTextArea (Java L&F)
Navigate in | Tab
Navigate in | Alt+Char Accelerator Key (if defined)
Navigate out forward | Ctrl+Tab
Navigate out backward | Ctrl+Shift+Tab
Move up/down one line | Up, Down
Move left/right one char | Left, Right
Move to start/end of line | Home, End
Move to prev/next word | Ctrl+Left/Right
Move to start/end of text area | Ctrl+Home/End
Block move up/down | PgUp, PgDn
Block move left | Ctrl+PgUp
Block move right | Ctrl+PgDn
Block extend up | Shift+PgUp
Block extend down | Shift+PgDn
Block extend left | Ctrl+Shift+PgUp
Block extend right | Ctrl+Shift+PgDn
Select all | Ctrl+A
Deselect all | arrow keys
Extend selection | Shift+Up, Shift+Down
Extend selection left/right | Shift+Left, Shift+Right
Extend selection to start/end of line | Shift+Home, Shift+End
Extend selection to start/end of text area | Ctrl+Shift+Home, Ctrl+Shift+End
Extend selection to prev/next word | Ctrl+Shift+Left, Ctrl+Shift+Right
Copy selection | Ctrl+C
Cut selection | Ctrl+X
Paste Selected Text | Ctrl+V
Delete next character | Delete
Delete previous character | Backspace
Insert line break | Enter
Insert tab | Tab
JTextPane (Java L&F)
Navigate in | Tab
Navigate out | Ctrl+Tab
Navigate out backwards | Shift+Ctrl+Tab
Move up/down a line | Up/Down Arrow
Move left/right a component or char | Left/Right Arrow
Move up/down one vertical block | PgUp/PgDn
Move to start/end of line | Home/End
Move to previous/next word | Ctrl+Left/Right Arrow
Move to start/end of data | Ctrl+Home/End
Move left/right one block | Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn
Select All | Ctrl+A
Extend selection up one line | Shift+Up Arrow
Extend selection down one line | Shift+Down Arrow
Extend selection to beginning of line | Shift+Home
Extend selection to end of line | Shift+End
Extend selection to beginning of data | Ctrl+Shift+Home
Extend selection to end of data | Ctrl+Shift+End
Extend selection left | Shift+Right Arrow
Extend selection right | Shift+Right Arrow
Extend selection up one vertical block | Shift+PgUp
Extend selection down one vertical block | Shift+PgDn
Extend selection left one block | Ctrl+Shift+PgUp
Extend selection right one block | Ctrl+Shift+PgDn
Extend selection left one word | Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow
Extend selection right one word | Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow
JEditorPane (Java L&F)
NOTE A: For more information on how to navigate/move and make selections, please see
Move to next HTML link or other focusable element | Tab,
Move to prev HTML link or other focusable element | Shift+Tab
Move out of focusable elements that accept a tab | Ctrl+Tab, Ctrl+Shift+Tab
Activate an HTML link | Enter
Navigate in/out | Tab
Navigate out backwards | Shift+Tab
Move up/down one line | Up/Down Arrow
Move left/right one component or char | Left/Right Arrow
Move up/down one vertical block | PgUp/PgDn
Move to beginning/end of line | Home/end
Move to previous/next word | Ctrl+Left/Right Arrow
Move to beginning/end of data | Ctrl+Home/End
Move left/right one block | Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn
Select All | Ctrl+A
Extend selection up/down one line | Shift+Up/Down Arrow
Extend selection left/right one component or char | Shift+Left/Right Arrow
Extend selection to start/end of line | Shift+Home/End
Extend selection to start/end of data | Ctrl+Shift+Home/End
Extend selection up/down one vertical block | Shift+PgUp/PgDn
Extend selection to previous/next word | Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right Arrow
Extend selection left/right one block | Ctrl+Shift+PgUp/PgDn
Containers: Frames, Windows, Panes, and Icons
JDesktopPane (Java L&F)
Navigate forward among open application windows, then desktop icons | Ctrl+Alt+F6
Navigate forward among open application windows, then desktop icons | Alt+Tab
Navigate forward among open application windows, then desktop icons | Alt+Esc
Navigate backward among open application windows, then desktop icons | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F6
Navigate backward among open application windows, then desktop icons | Alt+Shift+Tab
Navigate forward among open associated windows | Ctrl+F6
Navigate forward among open associated windows | Alt+F6
Navigate backward among open associated windows | Ctrl+Shift+F6
Navigate backward among open associated windows | Alt+Shift+F6
Post menu of window-options | Shift+Esc
Post menu of window-options | Ctrl+Spacebar
Post menu of window-options | Alt+Spacebar
Open window (when iconized) | Enter
JOptionPane (Java L&F)
Navigate in/out | Alt+F6
Retract dialog | Esc
Activate the default button (if defined) | Enter
JDialog (Java L&F)
Navigate out | Alt+F6
Retract dialog | Esc
Activate the default button (if defined) | Enter
JScrollPane (Java L&F)
Navigate out forward | Tab
Navigate out backward | Shift+Tab
Move up/down | Up, Down
Move left/right | Left, Right
Move to start/end of data | Ctrl+Home, Ctrl+End
Block move up/down | PgUp, PgDn
Block move right | Ctrl+PgDn
Block move left | Ctrl+PgUp
JSplitPane (Java L&F)
Navigate out forward | Tab
Navigate out forward | Ctrl+Tab
Navigate out backward | Shift+Tab
Navigate out backward | Ctrl+Shift+Tab
Move between panes | Tab
Move between panes | F6
Move to splitter bar | F8
Resize pane vertical | Up, Down
Resize pane horizontal | Left, Right
Resize to min/max | Home, End
JTabbedPane (Java L&F)
Navigate in | Tab
Navigate out | Ctrl+Tab
Move to tab left/right | left, Right
Move to tab above/below | Up, Down
Move from tab to page | Enter
Move from tab to page | Ctrl+Down
Move from page to tab | Ctrl+Up
Move from page to prev page | Ctrl+PgUp
Move from page to next page | Ctrl+PgDn
JFrame (Java L&F)
Navigate out | Alt+Esc
Display window menu | Alt+Spacebar
Activate the default button (if defined) | Enter
JInternalFrame (Java L&F)
Open (Restore) | Ctrl+F5
Open (Restore) | or Alt+F5
Open (Restore) | Enter
Close | Ctrl+F4
Close | Alt+F5
Move | Ctrl+F7
Move | Alt+F7
Resize | Ctrl+F8
Resize | Alt+F8
Minimize | Ctrl+F9
Minimize | Alt+F9
Display window menu | Alt+Spacebar
Activate the default button (if defined) | Enter
JWindow (Java L&F)
Activate the default button (if defined) | Enter