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JDK 5 Documentation v1.3.1, Java 2 SDK 英文文档

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AIFF file 65
applets and applications 31
audio file-writing services, providing 137
AudioFileFormat 60-71
AudioFileReader 131, 136
AudioFileWriter 136
attributes 13
definition 15
AudioInputStream and format conversion 140
description 25
file-reading services 60
getting file formats 67
supported file types 67


big-endian 14
bits per sample 13
BooleanControl 51
buffer size, selecting 36


capturing, definition 43
Clip 23
monitoring volume level and activity status 35
setting up for playback 35
use of 33
closing connections 96
CompoundControl 51
connecting a sequencer to a synthesizer 94
connecting to a single device 94
connecting to more than one device 95
connecting transmitters to receivers 94
consumers versus providers 130
Control subclass
table of Control.Type subclasses and instances 52
ControllerEventListener 113-114
controls 50-52
converting audio between different data formats 68


data format 13, 68
devices, learning what are installed 85
digital signal processing (DSP) techniques 57


EnumControl 51


FloatControl 51
format-conversion services, providing 139
FormatConversionProvider 136, 139
formatted audio data 13
frame rate 13


getting a line directly from the AudioSystem 28


IllegalStateException 91
installed services, registration 136


JAR file 130
Java 3D 2
Java Media Framework (JMF) 2
Java Sound API
definition 1
potential applications 1
relationship to other Java interfaces 2
javax.sound.midi 2
javax.sound.midi.spi 3
javax.sound.sampled 2
javax.sound.sampled package
playback and capture 11
javax.sound.sampled.spi 3


line 18
minimum functionality 21
subinterfaces 21
line interface hierarchy 20
line status, monitoring 40
LineListener 40
little-endian 14


timing values 92
MIDI data
message-routing architecture 89
MIDI data hierarchy 80
implementing devices 147
opening devices 87
MidiEvents 80
MidiSystem 83
method for learning about the installed devices 85
methods for retrieving default resources 85
obtaining a desired device 86
resources 84
MidiUnavailableException 91
mixer 16
Mixer interface 22
mixer, getting 27
mixer, getting a line from 30
MixerProvider 136, 141
multimbral 117
mute state, controlling 55


one-to-one connection between a transmitter and a receiver 94


pan 17
physical mixer 17
playback 12
polytimbral. See multimbral 117
ports 21
presentation 33
processing incoming sound 57
pulse code modulation (PCM) 14


rendering 33
reverberation presets, selecting 56


sampled audio 3
samples, definition 3
security and permissions information 32
selecting input and output ports 30
Sending a Message to a Receiver without Using a Transmitter 90
Sequences 80
definition 129
examples of third-party MIDI 130
examples of third-party sampled audio 129
how end users install 133
management of provider classes 136
working of 130
SoundbankReader 148
SourceDataLine 23
setting up for playback 36
use of 34
start and stop method 35
starting and stopping playback 35
streaming of audio 12
synchronizing playback on multiple lines 41


TargetDataLine 23
read method 46
retrieving data from the buffer 45
timbre 117
timeStamp 93
timing values 92
Track 80
Transmitter 90


unbuffered handling of audio 12
understanding time stamps 91


voice, MIDI, definition 119
volume, changing 55


writing sound files 63-65

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