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JDK 5 Documentation v1.3.1, Java 2 SDK 英文文档
Examples of Using the JDK 1.1 AWT - JDK 5 Documentation v1.3.1, Java 2 SDK 英文文档
Examples of Using the JDK 1.1 AWT
This page contains links to examples
(applets and their source code)
of using new features in the JDK 1.1 AWT.
These examples were provided by the AWT team.
How to Run 1.1 Examples
To view the applets on the following pages, you can use
HotJava browser or
the JDK Applet Viewer.
Because the applets on the following pages
depend on 1.1 features,
they do not run in 1.0 browsers!
Microsoft and Netscape browsers
are still based on 1.0 --
they don't run 1.1 applets.
If you attempt to view the following pages in a 1.0 browser such as
Netscape Navigator 4.0, you will be given a button to press which will
display a picture of what the applets would look like running under
The following examples all run successfully in
the HotJava browser and
the JDK Applet Viewer.
The Examples
- Lightweight Components
Includes general instructions for creating and using
lightweight components.
Contains applets that show off the following lightweight components:
round buttons, Openlook buttons,
spinners, and gauges.
- JDK 1.1 Event Examples
Includes examples of handling mouse, mouse motion, and
window events using inner classes (anonymous or named).
Also shows how to redispatch events.
- Unicode
(and using an inner class for event handling)
This example doesn't fully work under the 1.1beta3 release,
since Symbol and Zapf Dingbat mapping to Unicode characters
isn't supported until after beta3.
Looking for other examples?
Some of the
Demonstration Applets and Applications
have 1.1 versions.
For the latest information on the AWT, consult
The AWT Home Page.