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Accessibility Properties - JDK 5 Documentation v1.3.1, Java 2 SDK 英文文档


Accessibility Properties

Indicating the Presence of a Screen Magnifier

The javax.accessibility package provides the screen_magnifier_present property. When set to true, this property lets the Java platform libraries know that a screen magnifier is present on the system. Application developers can check this property, and if a screen magnifier is present, developers should make sure their applications are compatible with screen magnification. For example, on Microsoft Windows operating systems, the reference implementation of the Java 2DTM API checks this property and if true, turns off Microsoft DirectDraw to avoid problems with the screen magnifier. (Some screen magnifiers may not be able to magnify DirectDraw graphics.)

You can set the screen_magnifier_present property at run time or in a properties file. To set the property at run time, enter a command such as the following:

java -Djavax.accessibility.screen_magnifier_present=true foo.class

The reference implementation includes an accessibility.properties file in the jre/lib directory. To set the screen_magnifier_present property to true in the accessibility.properties file, add the following line:


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