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Remote Method Invocation Specification - JDK 5 Documentation v1.1.8, Java 2 SDK 英文文档

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Remote Method Invocation Specification


System Goals
Java Distributed Object Model
Definition of Terms
The Distributed and Nondistributed Models Contrasted
RMI Interfaces and Classes
Implementing a Remote Interface
Type Equivalency of Remote Objects with Local Stub
Parameter Passing in Remote Method Invocation
Exception Handling in Remote Method Invocation
Object Methods Overridden by the RemoteObject Class
The Semantics of Object Methods Declared final
Locating Remote Objects
System Architecture
Architectural Overview
The Stub/Skeleton Layer
The Remote Reference Layer
The Transport Layer
Thread Usage in Remote Method Invocations
Garbage Collection of Remote Objects
Dynamic Class Loading
Configuration Scenarios
RMI Through Firewalls Via Proxies
Client Interfaces
The Remote Interface
The RemoteException Class
The Naming Class
Server Interfaces
The RemoteObject Class
The RemoteServer Class
The UnicastRemoteObject Class
The Unreferenced Interface
The RMISecurityManager Class
The RMIClassLoader Class
The LoaderHandler Interface
The RMISocketFactory Class
The RMIFailureHandler Interface
The LogStream Class
Stub and Skeleton Compiler
Registry Interfaces
The Registry Interface
The LocateRegistry Class
The RegistryHandler Interface
Stub/Skeleton Interfaces
The RemoteStub Class
The RemoteCall Interface
The RemoteRef Interface
The ServerRef Interface
The Skeleton Interface
The Operation Class
Garbage Collector Interfaces
The Interface DGC
The Lease Class
The ObjID Class
The UID Class
The VMID Class
RMI Wire Protocol
RMI Transport Protocol
RMI's Use of Object Serialization Protocol
RMI's Use of HTTP POST Protocol
Application Specific Values for RMI
RMI's Multiplexing Protocol
Exceptions In RMI
Exceptions During Remote Object Export
Exceptions During RMI Call
Exceptions or Errors During Return
Naming Exceptions
Other Exceptions
Properties In RMI
Server Properties
Other Properties

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