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New JavaBeans Features - Java Tutorial 5.0 英文版

The JavaTM Tutorial
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Trail: JavaBeans(TM)

Lesson: New JavaBeans Features

Here is a list of upcoming Beans and Beans-related features:
  • The Java Activation Framework (JAF). The JAF is a data typing and command registry API. With the JAF you can discover an arbitrary data object's type, and look command applications or Beans that can process that data type, and activate the appropriate command at a user gesture. For example, a browser can identify a file's data type, and then launch the appropriate plug-in to view or edit the file. The JAF is a Java standard extension. You can get a copy from the JavaBeans Glasgow web site (outside of the tutorial).

  • The Extensible Runtime Containment and Services Protocol, also known as beancontext. Previous to this protocol a Bean only knew about and had access to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in which the Bean ran, and the core Java APIs. This protocol introduces a standard way for a Bean to discover and access attributes or services provided by a Bean's enclosing environment, and for a Bean's enclosing environment to discover and access a Bean's attributes and services. The java.beans.beancontext API introduces the ability to nest Beans and Bean contexts within a hierarchical structure. At runtime, a Bean can obtain services from its containing enviroment; the Bean can then make use of those services, or propagate those services to any Beans that it contains.

    NEW!: Check out our new lesson on beancontext by Scott Hommel: Using the BeanContext API (in the JavaBeans(TM) trail).

  • Drag and Drop Support. The java.awt.dnd API provides support for drag and drop between Java applications and native platform applications.
Check the JavaBeans web site (outside of the tutorial) for the latest information.

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