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The Java(tm) Tutorial Books: The JFC Swing Tutorial - Java Tutorial 5.0 英文版

The Java Tutorial

About the Java Tutorial Books > The JFC Swing Tutorial

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The following errors were corrected in second printing of this book, September 1999. 
 Page(s)  Correction
vi Added contents of "Using Other Swing Features" to the Table of Contents.
8 Updated the last row of Table 1 to read:
Swing 1.1.1

Note: This book describes some HTML text functionality added in this release.

JFC 1.1
(with Swing 1.1.1)
Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition, 
v 1.2.2
This is the final release of JFC 1.1.
18, 52, 54, 
64-66, 81, 
82, 91, 92, 
94, 108, 117, 
158, 173, 259, 
269, 306, 356, 357, 421, 540,
Updated or improved figures.
23, 87, 96, 
153, 172, 195, 
206, 207, 366, 
367, 369, 414, 418, 426, 581,
Fixed code formatting.
105 Changed the code font in the names of the intermediate containers.
143 Updated InternalFrameDemo screenshot.
143-149, 669 You must invoke setVisible(true) on JInternalFrames. In future releases of the Java 2 Platform, JInternalFrames will be invisible by default.
144, 669 Updated the bold line in the createFrame method code:
protected void createFrame() {
    MyInternalFrame frame = new MyInternalFrame();
    frame.setVisible(true); //necessary in 
                            //future releases
    try {
    } catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) {}
147 The title of Table 49 was changed to: "Specifying the Internal Frame's Size, Location, and Visibility." 
The following entry was added at the first row: setVisible(): Make the internal frame visible (if true) or invisible (if false). You should invoke JInternalFrame before adding it to its container. (Inherited from Component.)
167 Increased the font size in the list of atomic components.
200 Changed button name from "Open a File..." to "Open."
237  Added link to information on AbstractButton.
309 Changed the cross-reference from "Let's Play" in the "Putting It All Together" section to "The Code."
320 Updated the the screenshot in Figure 95. The figure caption now reads: "A tree."
387-438 Added running header to the "Using Other Swing Features" pages.
439 In the third paragraph, changed the word "rage" to "range." 
474 At the bottom of the page, added getDocument to the list of methods that the DocumentEvent interface requires.
477 At the top of the page, renumbered the first step to start with "Bring up the Focus Event Window..."
583 Indented the third-to-last paragraph, "The AWT classes you might still need..."
585 At the end of the paragraph, added a cross-reference to the Assistive Techologies section.
593 Indented the first paragraph, "If you want a mutable list..." 
594 Added cross-references to the list of conversion examples. 
596, 597, 598 In the tables, added cross-references to the AWT and Swing source code and HTML code in the Appendix.
597 Corrected figure caption 183 to read "The Swing TextEventDemo applet."
598 Added snapshot of the Swing version of the Converter application. 
601 In the table, corrected the code font in the crossreference page numbers.
604 At the end of the page, added a cross-reference to "Solving Common Layout Problems (page 385)."
612, 624, 779, 806, 826, 858, 886 Changed the introductory sentence from "Complete examples..." to "Source files used..."
806-825 In the running header, corrected the spacing between "Swing" and Features."
909, 918, 920 Changed the heading "AWT EXAMPLE :" to "AWT EXAMPLE:" 
924 Added TextEventDemo.html 

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The JFC Swing Tutorial
The JFC Swing Tutorial

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