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CD-ROM Information (first edition) - Java Tutorial 5.0 英文版

book.html | TOC | CD-ROM | References | Errata | Tutorial Trail Map

CD-ROM Information (first edition)


Development Tools

JavaSoft Java Developers Kit (JDK) 1.0.2
JavaSoft HotJava Browser
SunSoft Java WorkShop (This copy has expired, but you can get a 30-day trial copy.)
Metrowerks CodeWarrior Lite
Symantec Cafe Lite


The Java Tutorial
The Java API
The Java Platform White Paper
Java Cup Winners
Thought, Inc. Class Library Demo

How to Locate the CD-ROM's Sources

  • JDK
  • HotJava
  • The Java Tutorial
  • The Java API
    Note: You can also get the API documentation for more recent releases, such as 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4.
  • The Java Platform White Paper
  • SunSoft
  • Java WorkShop
  • Symantec
  • Cafe Lite
  • Metrowerks
  • CodeWarrior Lite
  • Thought, Inc.
  • Class Library Demo
    http://www.thoughtinc.com/demos (This URL is no longer active)
  • CD-ROM Problems and Solutions

    API File Missing

    There is a problem with the API in the HTML folder on the CD-ROM for Windows and UNIX platforms. A file was inadvertantly left out: it's the summary page file for the java.util package.

    To download a fresh copy of the complete API: http://java.sun.com/doc/api_documentation.html

    Macintosh Applets Might Not Run

    Some or all of the Java executable (.class) files on the Macintosh part of the CD-ROM have been corrupted. To view a applet whose .class file was corrupted, copy the corresponding source (.java) and HTML files to your computer, compile the .java files, and point an applet viewer (Netscape or the Applet Viewer, for example) at the HTML file.

    Or you can simply download the latest version of the tutorial.

    Two Images Missing

    Two images are missing on the CD-ROM for the ImageUpdater example that appears in the Working with Graphics lesson. You can find them in bigimg.gif and smallimg.gif.

    Java WorkShop expired

    The copy of Java WorkShop on the CD-ROM has expired. You can download a new 30-day trial copy.

    book.html | TOC | CD-ROM | References | Errata | Tutorial Trail Map