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Code Conventions for the Java(TM) Programming Language: Contents - Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language(Java语言编码规范英文版)


Code Conventions for the JavaTM Programming Language

Revised April 20, 1999

1 Introduction
1.1 Why Have Code Conventions
1.2 Acknowledgments

2 File Names
2.1 File Suffixes
2.2 Common File Names

3 File Organization
3.1 Java Source Files
3.1.1 Beginning Comments
3.1.2 Package and Import Statements
3.1.3 Class and Interface Declarations

4 Indentation
4.1 Line Length
4.2 Wrapping Lines

5.1 Implementation Comment Formats
5.1.1 Block Comments
5.1.2 Single-Line Comments
5.1.3 Trailing Comments
5.1.4 End-Of-Line Comments
5.2 Documentation Comments

6 Declarations
6.1 Number Per Line
6.2 Initialization
6.3 Placement
6.4 Class and Interface Declarations

7 Statements
7.1 Simple Statements
7.2 Compound Statements
7.3 return Statements
7.4 if, if-else, if else-if else Statements
7.5 for Statements
7.6 while Statements
7.7 do-while Statements
7.8 switch Statements
7.9 try-catch Statements

8 White Space
8.1 Blank Lines
8.2 Blank Spaces

9 Naming Conventions

10 Programming Practices
10.1 Providing Access to Instance and Class Variables
10.2 Referring to Class Variables and Methods
10.3 Constants
10.4 Variable Assignments
10.5 Miscellaneous Practices
10.5.1 Parentheses
10.5.2 Returning Values
10.5.3 Expressions before `?' in the Conditional Operator
10.5.4 Special Comments

11 Code Examples
11.1 Java Source File Example

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